Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Week 26 Updates

Yep, this picture is an upward view because I took it myself. Haha, and yes, I was watching Friends at this time. And yes, our tree is coming down tonight. Haha, so many explanations.

There’s no letter to Cohen this week. It’s been busy and I’ve been off of my normal routine so the letter will have to wait until next week!

Weekly Questions

How far along? 26 weeks!

How Big Is The Baby? According to the website he’s 14 inches and close to 1 2/3 pounds.

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 147.8. I’m now 6.8 lb past my pre-pregnancy weight.

Maternity Clothes: I’m more comfortable in maternity and actually bought a few new ones this week, but I can still pass non-maternity shirts.

Sleep: Great this week!

Food cravings: Eh, no real cravings.

What I miss: Not having indigestion after every meal haha.

What I am looking forward to: Hitting THIRD trimester this Saturday. That’s pretty huge. Also, I have another appointment tomorrow to do my GD test (not looking forward to that) and hear my little boys heartbeat again.

Milestones: Close to third trimester. Getting LOTS of presents from his family, thank you to EVERYONE for the cute little gifts at Christmas. Auntie Kenda gave him a ton of clothes that his cousin, Texas, used to wear.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Week 25 Updates

I've definitely started popping out more this week! I did have some super cute tights on with this dress, but they tore so obviously I'm not wearing them. And I look a little tired here, but this was after a very, very long weekend!

Weekly Questions

How far along? 25 weeks! Oh man…Only 15 to go. Scary.

How Big Is The Baby? According to the website he’s 13 ½ inches and close to 1 ½ pounds.

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 146.4. I’m now 5.4 lb past my pre-pregnancy weight. This pound a week thing is totally freaking me out.

Maternity Clothes: I can still pass a lot of non-maternity shirts—thankfully I bought a lot of non-fitted shirts prior to the pregnancy. However, I did order some maternity clothes online because they’re more comfortable and longer.

Sleep: Good, just a couple of vivid dreams this week that make me restless.

Food cravings: Nothing really. I just eat whatever I want right now.

What I miss: I’m pretty good this week. Only weird thing now is the indigestion practically after every meal. I carry a HUGE bottle of Tums around to keep that problem solved.

What I am looking forward to: Tyrel and Kenda and the babies are here this week! Next week is the last week of my 2nd trimester, which is INSANE, but really cool. Meeting Cohen’s newest cousin, Casey

Milestones: He moves A LOT know and I love it. My belly button is getting flatter and flatter. My rings are feeling tighter (not that it’s a good milestone, but seriously a milestone) and I cannot stand for a super long time in heels without my toes swelling. It’s beautiful haha.

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Baby Cohen-

How are you doing my little baby boy?

This week you’re 13 ½ inches long and weigh over a pound and a half! You’re a big little boy now. My goodness, practically a toddler already.

You’re also starting to get baby fat under your skin. Can you do me a favor? Can you make sure you get a lot in your cheeks? Growing up your Mommy and all of your “Butler” family had these giant saggy cheeks. I hated them then, but my goodness, they are just so cute. Your cousins Jayda and Texas have them too and they make me just want to kiss their little faces. That’s the only thing I ask, that you carry on the Butler Cheek Tradition.

You have a new cousin now! His name is Casey Brant and he’s just a little older than you! You’ll see him a lot because he only lives 5 hours away. He’s very, very cute!

I had a dream this week that I lost you and then found you under the couch! Isn’t that funny? Don’t go under the couch, okay? It’s pretty dark, and not usually vacuumed very well. Stay where I can see you so I don’t get scared that I lost you! But in the dream you were super cute and very small. It made me so excited to hold you. Only 15 more weeks till we get to meet you little one.

My letter this week is a little short because it’s the holidays and that means it’s a pretty busy time of the year (don’t worry, you’ll figure that out later in life) so I don’t have a lot of time to write to you today. But still know that I love you dearly.

You’re already the sweetest boy ever!

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Week 24 Updates

Weekly Questions

How far along? 24 weeks! We hit Viability Day—which basically means at this point if something were to happen and I went into early labor (which obviously I’m praying doesn’t happen) my little boy has a 50-75% chance of survival and NICU will do everything they can to save our baby. I want him to wait until week 37 at least before he tries to make an entrance, but still, it’s nice hitting a big milestone.

How Big Is The Baby? He is a little over a pound and is just about a foot long. I have this huge baby in me! Weird.

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 145.6. I’m now 4.6 lb past my pre-pregnancy weight.

Maternity Clothes: Same as last week: only maternity bottoms, but a lot of non-maternity tops still. The dress in the picture is maternity though.

Sleep: Still good, just a little worn out this week.

Food cravings: Green bean casserole and red meat. Haha, weird combination. I don’t want them together, just I would like to eat it every night. But I don’t.

What I miss: I’m good this week! I’m not missing too much, I’m happily pregnant.

What I am looking forward to: This week my papa is here, and next week Tyrel, Kenda and the babies will be here! I’m also looking forward to Baby Casey being born on Friday! It’s a good month for us, plus it’s the last holiday season as a childless family--they’ll be so different from here on out.

Milestones: This week we picked up a few more things for the nursery and it’s slowly coming together. I also felt him hiccupping this week, crazy but wonderful feeling to wake up to!

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Baby Cohen-

Hey my sweet little itty bitty baby boy!

You’re almost a foot long!! That’s crazy big to me. We’ve come a long, long way from the poppy seed stage. And I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about Viability Day, but I don’t want you getting any crazy ideas. You need to stay in there, okay?

This week your brain is growing quickly and your taste buds are still developing. Also, you the website says that you will soon plump up! How adorable are you?

Last week Mommy found out she had a UTI so we had to go to the doctor to get it checked out. It was making me cramp, and they had to make sure it was the infection, and not you! Nana went with me since Daddy had to teach and I didn’t want to go alone. We listened to your heartbeat for over an hour and a half and watched it on the little screen. You would calm down and it would go down just a little bit. Then, it would go up high again and you’d start squirming and moving around like crazy. You were too cute—you kept kicking as hard as you possibly could against the monitors. It would make me laugh and then I’d get heartsick thinking about how insanely cute you’re going to be.

I cannot wait. Your Mommy (and everyone else) loves you so much that it literally hurts sometime. I told a girl at work this week that it’s hard to believe that I can be so in love with this little person that I haven’t even seen yet. I don’t know how, but it’s true.

You never, ever, have to doubt or question that I love you. And don’t worry, I’m going to tell you so much that you’ll never wonder.

I love you little Cohen Paul.

So, so much.

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 23 Updates

Weekly Questions

How far along? 23 weeks…

How Big Is The Baby? The baby is just over 11 inches and weighs a little over a pound.Total weight gain: Today I’m at 144.0. I’m now 3 lb past my pre-pregnancy weight. My doctor doesn’t take into count my weight loss, they only count what I’ve gained past my pre-pregnancy weight (so while I was saying I’ve gained an overall 11 pounds since I lost 8 originally, they only see my weight gain as 3 lbs). So I’m done counting that bigger number too. From now on, it’s only what I’ve gained past my pre-pregnancy weight (141.0). 3 lbs and counting…

Maternity Clothes: I’m wearing maternity bottoms and non-maternity shirts and dresses. I’ll probably get a couple more skirts, but as for shirts, I’m making my non-maternity ones work as long as possible. The sweater in this week’s picture isn’t maternity.

Sleep: A good week of sleep (especially once I learned I can still sleep on my back for a few more weeks!! Back on my back I go…and great sleep has returned!). First-trimester fatigue did return this week and I’m fighting sleep at 7 pm again. I sure hope that it’s just temporary.

Food cravings: This week I craved a pina colada (non-alcoholic of course) and green bean casserole. I’ve actually been craving green bean casserole for about 3 weeks now.

What I miss: Non-maternity skirts. I went through my clothes to pull out some sweaters and looked at my dozens of cute skirts I have that I can’t wear right now. I was a little heartsick for them. Wearing the same 4 for 23 weeks has gotten really old, really fast. I’m seriously going to have to get at least 2 more!

What I am looking forward to: This week is just a regular week for us. My papa is coming into town on Monday so he’ll get to meet his great grandson as an inside baby this trip!

Milestones: Our appointment went well this week. Cohen’s heartbeat was great, and my stomach is popping out just enough. I scheduled my glucose test (who knew it would come this fast??). Nana bought Cohen his coming home outfit that I picked out for him (a little dinosaur sleeper with a snap shirt, of course I cried). Tyler bought a card for me from Cohen that said “Mommy” on it, and I teared up again. Cohen kicks a lot during worship service, so I’m assuming he loves the music and loves hearing us sing to Jesus!

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Baby Cohen

Hey sweet boy!!

Well first, let me say, you did awesome at your appointment last week. It was funny because when she put the Doppler on my belly to listen to your heartbeat, you let her listen for a few seconds and then swam away from it. It’s okay, she’s just our temporary doctor, and I didn’t like her either. Our regular one will be back in January (so just one more appointment with the temporary doctor).

Well, supposedly, I should start dancing. According to the updates you have a sense of movement developed now and you can feel me move around. That being said, I apologize, because Mommy is very hyper and can’t sit still too long. I’m sure you hate the fact that I'm constantly moving. But based off the way you kick and move around, neither do you!! You’re a lot like your Mommy already!

They say you are the size of a mango now and your blood vessels in your lungs are developing now. You’re also getting used to more noises and you’re getting used to loud noises.

In church on Sunday you kicked around while Mommy was singing on the Praise Team. It was during “How Great Is Our God.” It made me get all teary eyed thinking about you one day praising Jesus in church with us!

Mommy has been pretty emotional this week though. Everything that has to do with you makes my heart happy and I get teary eyed. I was out with Nana while she was getting you some of your stocking stuffers and the little toys were just so cute and sweet. And then I found the little outfit I want to bring you home from the hospital in and realized how small it was and I welled up again. She bought it to put in your stocking and I can’t stop looking at it when I go over there. And then Mimi bought you some of the sweetest clothes as a “just-because” present and they are so sweet and tiny! And then last night Daddy was late coming home from the store and it was because he was picking out a cute little card from you, to me. It said “Mommy” on it (plus more, but the word “mommy” got me) along with Miracle on 34th Street (my favorite holiday movie) and my eyes were misting over.

We’ve still got 17 weeks until we meet you baby and I’m going to be an emotional mess apparently. But I suppose it’s because I’m so happy and so blessed that I get to carry you and feel you move and kick and it’s the best feeling ever.

Well little Mister, I think that recaps this week.

 I love you so much that it sometimes makes my heart hurt.

I can’t wait to kiss you right on the face.

I love you lots baby boy.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 22 Updates

So this picture was taken after driving 5 hours and then going to help my family finish their tree. So ignore the far away picture, the car drive hair, and the fact that I’m up on a chair. You get the idea. You can still see the small belly.

Weekly Questions

How far along? 22 weeks!

How Big Is The Baby? The baby is about 11 inches and weighs almost a pound.

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 142.8. I’m now 1.8 lb past my pre-pregnancy weight with an overall weight gain of 9.8 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Yep, they’re what fits best. But again, I am still wearing non-maternity tops as long as they have the length I need. Desiree is letting me borrow a couple of cute sweaters and dresses and I can’t wait to wear them!

Sleep: So far, it’s been great this week.

Food cravings: Again, no real food cravings. Just drinking lots of apple juice and actually eating real food again.

What I miss: Cohen is sitting on my bladder so I do have to go to the bathroom all of the time. I guess I miss drinking without wondering where the closest bathroom is just in case I have to go 10 minutes later.

What I am looking forward to: My appointment tomorrow. I get to hear his little heartbeat again!

Milestones: Cohen kicked for his Gigi and wiggled for his Aunt Des so that was pretty cool. I can also feel more of his body now when he moves. Nana and Mimi felt his little body this week too! Cohen moves a lot so most of the time Tyler and I sit around feeling him. Also, his changing table from his Papa and Gigi came in the mail! Now his nursery has all of the furniture. Time to start decorating!

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Baby Cohen-
Hey sweet boy!!
So, you have been moving like crazy lately!! I love every little kick, every little squirm, and every little push against my stomach that you do. Of course, the bladder kicks are a little crazy, but I know that’s not your fault. You can’t help that you landed there and for some reason aren’t moving up off of it. I’m hoping that you do that soon though. Mommy hates having to go to the bathroom every single hour!
This week your eyebrows and eyelids are becoming more distinct! That makes me wonder if you’re going to have Mommy’s barely there eyebrows or Daddy’s thick dark eyebrows. I guess that’s going to depend on your hair color. Man little guy, I cannot wait to see your little face! Your eyes have formed, but your irises are still colorless. You’re just growing so much already!
This week we went to visit your Papa and Gigi for Thanksgiving! The drive there was a little hard for Mommy since you’re right there on my bladder, but we made it with only 2 stops! You kicked really hard for your Gigi and gave your Auntie Des a little squirm. It’s fun that you move so much now.
Also, you have a changing table in your room now! Papa and Gigi sent it for you. Your little room has all of its furniture now. We can start decorating your cute nursery!
Your Auntie WaWa from church gave you a bag full of very sweet presents. You got a beautiful blanket, a wipes holder, little socks that have Paul Frank on them and then other little booties that have little laces! She also gave you a sweet elephant lovie! It was very, very nice of her and I know you’ll be excited to see all of those one day.
Well baby, that’s really all that’s been going on with us this week. We have an appointment tomorrow to hear your heartbeat so make sure it’s beating very hard tomorrow!
I love you little baby boy!!
You’re my sweet little bun.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fun With My Belly

I suppose the bigger my belly gets, the fun it is to stick things to it.

Here I was at Today's Christian Girl when Amanda thought this sticker was appropriate:

And then at Sunday School Amanda thought he needed a nametag too!

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Baby Cohen,

Hey little Mister!!

Well, haven’t you been all squirmy and active this week? I love it!!

According to my phone app you are 10.5 inches and 12.7 oz, the size of a banana!! It’s crazy that you are that long already! No wonder I feel you all of the time. You’re always running into my and it feels like little thuds. It’s also funny because I was sitting on the ground trying to wrap presents last night, but whenever I leaned over too far you’d kick. So wrapping presents was a little weird and I’ve decided I’ll wrap the rest on the table.

You’re definitely silly already, that’s for sure. You were playing tag with Nana the other day. You’d kick over and over and then she’d come over to feel and you’d immediately stop! Finally, you gave a little thud for her but nothing like you’ve been doing. Silly boy. You have to kick for everyone. They like it!

My phone app says you practice swallowing and digesting everyday and your little taste buds work! Too cute.

Old Navy and Gap were having phenomenal sales this week so we bought you a few more clothes. I cannot wait to put you in them and hold you! You’ll be a one good looking dressed boy that’s for sure.

While we’re on that subject, can you be sure that you stay a boy? Haha, sounds funny, but I’ve heard of TWO people this week who were told they were having boys and found out they were having girls. See, I really, really, really want you to be a little boy. I call you by name every time I talk about you and started clothes shopping (of course I’ve kept the tags on everything). So yeah, make sure if they check again you’re still a boy.

You’ve already received two Christmas presents from your Auntie Rachel and Uncle Kyle! We can’t open them yet, but it’s very exciting!

Also, Nana found you the cutest antique wooden blocks that spell out your name. Of course, you can’t play with them because we don’t know what they were painted with. But they’ll sit on your shelf and look very cute!

We’re taking a trip to your Papa and Gigi’s this week for Thanksgiving! It’ll be a fun trip because I can feel you squirming and moving now. Next year you’ll be able to celebrate these holidays with us. But for now, you get to travel in my belly and feel me eat wayyyy too much over the next couple of months.

Alright, you’re thumping near my bladder and I have to go. I love you little one!

I love you My Little Banana Bun.


Week 21 Updates

This is not a maternity dress but thought I could at least one more wear out of it before it starts looking too awkward. The bump is definitely there but in this dress, without my hand there the bump looked really small. Still got lots of comments on Sunday about starting to show more!

Weekly Questions

How far along? 21 weeks!

How Big Is The Baby? The baby is 10.5 inches. The size of a banana!!

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 141.4. I’ve finally past my pre-pregnancy weight (starting weight 141.0). That’s okay. I’m not flipping out. I made it halfway through and knew it had to happen eventually. So I’m now .4 lb past my pre-pregnancy weight with an overall weight gain of 8.4 lbs. I write it like this because it encourages me haha.

Maternity Clothes: I’m embracing them beautifully. I did wear a non maternity sweater to church Sunday morning and I looked like I was stuffed into it. Seriously, it was bad. So I’m no longer wearing that. I did wear a non-maternity dress Sunday night that totally worked so I am still able to wear some non-maternity, I just have to be careful when choosing what will actually fit.

Sleep: Okay. This week I’ve slept through the night, I just still get that tailbone pain.

Food cravings: Again, no real food cravings. Just drinking lots of apple juice and actually eating real food again. I ate chicken twice this week!! Huge accomplishment considering how repulsed I was by it.

What I miss: Just the not having back pain. But everything else is so much fun.

What I am looking forward to: It’s Thanksgiving this week and we’re going to see Tyler’s family! I get to wear an elastic panel skirt so I should be the most comfortable person there after eating so much that I can’t stand it! No unzipping/unbuttoning for me, these skirts were made for big bellies.

Milestones: Amanda and my mom felt him move! He doesn’t kick as much as he thumps. It feels like he’s running into things. His movement has really increased and I feel him a lot more than I used to.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 20 Updates

My bump size hasn't changed much since last week, but it's shape is looking more and more like a pregnant belly.

Weekly Questions

How far along? Am I seriously already at 20 weeks? Unbelievable….halfway done!

How Big Is The Baby? The baby is 6.5 inches. According to my phone app, the baby is supposed to be 10.6 oz. The size of a canteloupe!!

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 140.2. So my overall weight loss is now .8 lbs (starting weight 141.0). I’m almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight and I’m not going to lie…the numbers after that scare me a little bit. I’m just not great at the accepting the weight gain even though I know it’s because I’m pregnant. I’m definitely only going to weigh myself once a week to avoid the scale some.

Maternity Clothes: I just found out Sunday that apparently, my maternity skirts are a good idea to wear and control top pantyhose are something I should avoid. I thought I’d be fine, but sitting was next to impossible and I was probably crushing Cohen most of the service. The skirt and pantyhose dug into my stomach the entire time. I either need to wear non-control top or go invest in a pair of maternity pantyhose. And right now I’m in a nice elastic paneled skirt and I couldn’t be happier.

Sleep: Eh. Not great. But that’s only somewhat baby related. I really, really, really need to use my body pillow every night or else my back and neck kill me the next day and I really, really, really need my neighbors to move. They are so noisy and are making me feel like an old crank. I want to wobble out there and shake a cane at them for their loud teenager music.

Food cravings: No real cravings this week. Just loving food again so that’s nice.

What I miss: The no back pain thing. Not going to lie, it hurts.

What I am looking forward to: I made it to halfway point and my next appointment isn’t until December 2nd so the next big thing is Thanksgiving!! Going to Odessa and going to eat. Maternity panels are very helpful during the holiday season. Not going to have to worry about buttons or zippers digging in.

Milestones: This week our glider came in the mail! Now his room is looking more and more like a room. Feeling Cohen ball up under my skin. It was also very, very weird.

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Baby Cohen-
How are you my sweet, sweet little boy?
We’re halfway done with this whole thing kid. Can you believe that? It’s going to go so fast for the rest of the time and then before we know it, you’ll be here!
Supposedly, you’re the size of a cantaloupe now. I know it’s either the length or the weight, but either way, I can’t get this round melon picture out of my head. You’re mom is weird, just get ready little mister.
My goodness, you have been crazy hyper the past couple of days. You move around so much now! Last night you kicked Daddy three times. Then you kicked Mommy!! It was fun to feel you squirming around in there. Even Daddy got to feel you ball up. Now I know you’ve heard me say that I don’t like that feeling, but I need to explain. I don’t mind feeling you inside, but it was weird the first time I actually felt you in a ball on the outside. I love that you’re moving around but seriously, feeling it was different, and I'm just not used to it yet. But I still love you and I don’t want you to think that your Mommy doesn’t like feeling you. Haha, you’re squirming so much as I just type this. You’re cute. Nana felt you kick this week too, but it was a very tiny kick right on the edge of her fingertip. Next time I’m there could you kick for her? Make it very hard so she can feel you just like we do!
I went with your Nana this week to the mall and we ended up in a kid’s store. I got you some very, very cute clothes! I got you some corduroy pants for next fall, some little loafer shoes, and the cutest little tiny necktie!! You’re going to be one stylish little boy.
Daddy and I need to get you some more books. A few nights ago we sat in your room, in the new glider and read all of your books to you! Even your sister Roxy laid on the floor and listened. We’re going to be a nice little family.
I can’t wait little boy.
Halfway there!
I love you my Little Canteloupe Bun.
Love, Mommy

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 19 Updates

Weekly Questions

How far along? Nineteen Weeks!!

How Big Is The Baby? The baby is 6.0 inches. According to my phone app, the baby is supposed to be 8.5 oz, but since the baby was weighing 9 oz at his 18 week appointment, I’m going to assume he weighs a bit more. The size of a mango!!

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 139. So my overall weight loss is now 2 lbs (starting weight 141.0).

Maternity Clothes: My bump is really obvious now and looks cute in maternity clothes so I’m LOVING those.

Sleep: The past couple of nights have been a little rough. I feel Cohen moving WAY more now and at night time this little boy loves to dance around. It’s cute, but it keeps me awake or wakes me up!

Food cravings: Nothing this week. I like a lot of cold food still but nothing I have to have right away.

What I miss: Nothing major right now.

What I am looking forward to: There’s nothing super eventful happening this week. I’m almost to the 20 week mark so that’s pretty exciting.

Milestones: Finding out we’re having a BOY! Cleaning out Cohen’s room. Ordering the baby glider. And we're crazy first-time parents so we already started registries at Target and Babies R Us....haha.

Cohen's Nursery Plans--Part 2


I don't have pictures of these, but for sheets I plan on buying different colors (to match the room) with different patterns and prints. This way, as we need to change them, they will still match the room. I plan on getting striped, solid, and polka dotted sheets.

This is the curtain I really want for his room. I have to measure our window though to see if it'll fit. I don't want a full curtain for the window because the blinds are pretty good about keeping the room dark. If it doesn't fit, then I'm going to just get a solid valence that's long enough.

I found this crib ruffle at target and think it'll look perfect with his crib. I love that it's striped and not solid!

I found these custom teething bumpers on Etsy that will look great on the crib, add extra color, but also protect his crib from tons of bite marks when he starts teething. I posted the picture of what they look like an actual crib, but I'm also posting a picture of the different fabrics we can choose from. We're going to go with the green polka dot one since there are already plenty of reds and blues in the room and since his crib skirt is already striped.

We're also going to register for a white breathable bumper to go in the crib so it'll match whatever we put in there.

I found a blanket on Etsy that used fabric with Brown Bear, Brown Bear printed on it to hang over his crib, but it's currently sold out. I do plan on emailing her and asking if she can make another one.


We are going to frame various art from Eric Carle to hang above the changing table. We aren't buying any frames until we know what size the art will be, but we know we want matted frames, most likely in dark brown or black. I plan on actually looking for Eric Carle prints instead of buying different books and destroying them for 4 prints.

I'm also going to buy medium sized wooden letters from Hobby Lobby and with Amanda's help, we're going to paint them (keeping it pretty simple) in red, blue, green, and yellow to hang his name over the bed.

I want to get this lamp from Walmart and then buy thick yellow squiggle ribbon to glue around the top and bottom of the shade. This will be the primary light in the room to keep the lighting soft and not harsh for little Cohen.

These are the books I want to order from Amazon.

So there's my running list of plans! We have a lot to do, so we're getting started now.

The only other little things we have to worry about are getting his Eric Carle book collection started (I'm going to be shopping at all the used book stores I can) and finding a plush Very Hungry Caterpillar. I've seen a lot of this on Ebay so I will start there in January if I haven't found what I'm looking for offline.

Cohen's Nursery Plans--Part 1

Well, I'm sure this will be a long post. But since we know we're having a boy, I've been VERY excited to start planning this little boy's nursery. Tyler and I have had many, many talks about how it was going to look, where everything will go, and what the primary theme will be. Super excited that we actually decided on a theme prior to finding out so we can get started early with all of the decorating!

This list really is for me to keep my thoughts straight. I'm a planner so this is really helpful to have so I don't lose my mind! And as crazy early as it is, we've also started a registry at Target and Babies R Us. They are nowhere near complete, but this way, as I hear about products I like, or see something I know we'll need I have a place to add it so I don't forget later. I know I'll have to watch it from time to time to make sure things are still in stock and to actually build on to it what we need.

Basically, the room is going to be red, blue, green, and yellow and we're going to frame Eric Carle art in the room for the extra pop. We aren't going to paint his room, so any color we can have will be really helpful. We're also hoping that by keeping it bright it will easily move into a toddler room and even a kid friendly room to save the cost of redecorating when we gets older.


We are using the Graco Lauren Collection from Target for our crib and changing table. They are both Espresso stained and will go great against the pale walls.

We have ordered our glider. It's a Ragazzi Pompei Premium Glider and Ottoman with Beige Cushions and Black Rubbed Wood. It was the closest color to match the crib and table. 

We also have this foyer table from World Market (ours has an Espresso finish) that we changed the drawer pull to a blue and white one. This will go in the corner of his room with a lamp and some pictures of him on it.

Since Cohen won't have a dresser in the room, I plan on buying a rubbermaid shelf to put in his closet that has a few drawers for some of his basics like sleepwear, plain onesies, etc. I also plan on getting some canvas bins to put on the shelves of the changing table (the ones pictured are from Target, but they are just for an idea, I need to see if they will fit). There we can keep his lotions, creams, wipes, diapers, blankets, etc. Finding where those things go will all be trial and error and we can figure out once we have the table and tupperware drawers.

The last two pieces of furniture/shelving I don't have pictures to show. One of them is a large wooden hanging shelf that Tyler's parents gave to us. We plan on painting the backing of the shelf blue and then the actual shelfs will be red, yellow, green. Since this hangs on the wall it will really brighten up the room. Each shelf is going to have either a little stuffed animal, small books, or small toys.

The other piece of furniture Tyler's grandfather built. It's an end table with magazine rack at the bottom. This will go near the glider. In the bottom we will put Cohen's books and on top we are going to put bookends with the Eric Carle books we plan on collecting.

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Baby COHEN-

Oh my word sweet baby, my heart jumped a little writing that. What a HUGE milestone for us. After about 15 or so letters of just writing to my baby, I'm now writing to my son. Daddy and Mommy spent many hours talking about you being a boy or a girl and what we would do depending on your gender. Now that we know, our conversation is still going about you, but now instead we talk about our little boy. We've planned your nursery, we bought a few clothes, we dream about you little Cohen Paul. I can't wait to meet you!!

Well you really aren't doing anything too exciting this week (that's not from me, it's what my phone app says). But that's because you've done SO much in the past 19 weeks that you really deserve some rest! You are already in the 80th percentile in your weight category. You're going to be chubby, aren't you little boy? But that's okay, you'll be adorable!!

You're moving around A LOT. Last night was the first night you actually kept me awake! I would fall asleep you would start to squirm and nudge and I'd have to wake up to find a more comfortable position. Could you move like that when Daddy has his hand on my belly? I went him and everyone else to start feeling you move because it's just so cute!! **Edit: Baby, I wrote this a day early and just last night you did the tiniest little kick for your Daddy! It was very small but he felt you and he was smiling so big!! Thank you sweet baby!**

I already wrote about your big appointment, so I won't be repetitive here.

But I love you so much little boy!! I hope you know that!!

I love you my Little Boy Mango Bun!



Friday, November 5, 2010

Hello Little Cohen Paul!

Yep, that's right little Mister...You're a BOY!!

You did so awesome at your ultrasound (so what if you wanted to be a little stubborn!!)

Here you are sleeping in a ball with your arms folded across your chest! You have such a cute little ear already:

And here's your gorgeous little foot:

And're a boy!!

I love you little Mister!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 18 Updates

Weekly Questions

How far along? EIGHTEEN Weeks!!

How Big Is The Baby? The baby is 5.6 inches and 6.7 oz. The size of an sweet potato!

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 138. So my overall weight loss is now 3 lbs (starting weight 141.0).

Maternity Clothes: Well I can still fit a lot of my non-maternity clothes. But my bump is super obvious now. I am still more comfortable in maternity skirts than my regular skirts.

Sleep: I’ve been sleeping great! I do wake up at least once a night, but that’s probably not baby related, that’s probably just me!

Food cravings: Nothing this week. I like a lot of cold food still but nothing I have to have right away.

What I miss: Nothing major right now.

What I am looking forward to: Our BIG ultrasound is TOMORROW. And we’re going to buy the crib with my parents tonight!! Big changes are happening this week.

Milestones: Feeling the baby doing more thumps rather than just flutters. Crib shopping! Other than that, making it to 18 weeks is huge to me!!

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Little Bun-
Guess what? This is my last letter referring to you as “Little Bun”. Starting next week they’ll say Dear Little Cohen OR Dear Little Ava. Why is that you ask? Well, because tomorrow is our BIG appointment where I know you’ll cooperate, just like you’ve done at every other appointment. You kind of need to cooperate tomorrow so we can see if we’re going to have a little boy or a little girl joining our family. That’s very bizarre to me. Tomorrow I’ll know if I’ll be raising a son or a daughter.
Today, you’re the size of a sweet potato. That’s pretty big little one! You’re moving around a lot now, and my book says that you do a lot of yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing! You sure do have busy days don’t you? You’re just so ridiculously cute right now that it’s insane.
I do feel you moving a lot more lately. I think you’re most active at night time when everything is settling down. I feel you occasionally thump in the morning, but man, at night, you are just thumping away in there. Last night at Ladies Bible Study, Mommy felt you thumping and moving around so much it made me get all teary-eyed. It’s unbelievable that I have a little baby in there who is happy and content. No one else can feel you just yet, but that’s just a matter of time. Whenever Roxy (your big sister) gets on my belly and purrs, you start to thump away (I’m not sure if it’s kicking or if you’re body slamming yourself against my belly). I think it’s because she’s heavy and bugging you, but maybe you really like purring! You’re growing so much and changing so much everyday that I’m in awe! Even though I can’t see you, I know you’re growing because of how much stronger your movements are getting.
Tonight Nana and Poppy are buying you a crib! Well I don’t think Poppy is actually going with us, but still, they’re technically buying it for you. Nana and I crib shopped a couple of nights ago and I found one that I love. I came home and showed Daddy and he loves it too! So tonight, Nana is picking us up, and we’re getting you your crib. It works out perfectly because there are some teething bumpers I want to order for you (from Etsy) and once I know if you’re a little boy or girl, I can order them! But I needed to know the crib measurements first.
Can you tell that this is a long letter? You know why? Because so much is about to change after tomorrow and I’m overwhelmed and cannot stop rambling. But I will stop now my little love.
 I love you my Sweet Potato Bun.
Love, Mommy

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Little Bun-
Hey baby doll face. How’re you doing in there?
I know you’re moving around a lot more because I can feel you! It feels like popcorn popping in my belly. And it’s so cute that whenever I feel you, I stop whatever I’m doing immediately and put my hand on my tummy. I know I can’t feel you on the outside yet, but I just feel like you know Mommy’s hand is there and that I want to keep feeling you move about.
You’re the size of an onion this week. Which is another food that is REALLY strong smelling to Mommy and I’m not too fond of right now. I like them cooked, just not raw and stinky. I’m way off topic though. This week your skeleton is hardening and starting to change into real bone! Which is kind of perfect since it’s the week of Halloween and it’s all about the skeletons right now. Also, you’re starting to develop fat around your bones! Your fingers and toes now have fingerprints!! How cute, you’re an original now. No one else has your little prints.
Mommy’s belly has been popping out this weekend. I’m glad because it means you’re growing and doing all of the correct little baby things in there.
We flew together this weekend and I’m not too sure that you were crazy about it. All of the flights felt rough and Mommy wanted to puke a few times. Luckily, I didn’t.
We also finalized names for you! So next week, after our big appointment, we can call you by name. This makes us so happy little baby.
I see all of the pumpkin patches and fall festivals and I get excited because next year we can take you! Sure, you may not totally understand what they all are since you’ll still be an infant, but Mommy is very ready to celebrate every holiday with my little baby.
I love you so much little baby!!
I love you my Little Onion Bun.
Love, Mommy

Week 17 Updates

I think my bump looks a little big this week but that could be because I'm standing with my hands on my back. But it's definitely there...No hiding the baby. In fact, the baby is moving around as I type this, best feeling ever.

Weekly Questions

How far along? Seventeen weeks. Amazing!

How Big Is The Baby? The baby is 5.1 inches and 5.9 oz. The size of an onion!

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 137.8. So my overall weight loss is now 3.2 lbs (starting weight 141.0).

Maternity Clothes: Well I can still fit a lot of my non-maternity clothes. However, I’m at work in a skirt that I really shouldn’t be wearing. It is digging into my stomach! Guess I better put this skirt up for awhile.

Sleep: I get great sleep as long as I use my body pillow. If I don’t use that, my sciatic nerve is miserable all day long.

Food cravings: I still adore pumpkin. No other real cravings, I just like a lot of juice and sweets. What I miss: Nothing right now. I'm happy to be pregnant, even with all of the crazy changes!

What I am looking forward to: Our BIG ultrasound on November 4th. I’m ready to call my baby by name. And of course, I want to buy cute little clothes.

Milestones: I flew for the first time pregnant (not that great, but I managed). By belly is getting bigger to the point where people are noticing it from the front. The baby is moving more every day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Little Bun-

Hey sweet, sweet little baby.

In just about 2 weeks I’ll be addressing these letters to you using your name! How exciting is that? I can’t wait to call you by name.

You’re the length of an avocado this week. That’s 4 ½ inches long and 3 ½ ounces. You’re so cute. Mommy isn’t a big fan of avocados, but that’s beside the point. Also, the bones in your ears are forming so you can hear even better this week. Mommy talks very loud so I’m sure you’ll be able to hear me all of the time. Daddy likes to talk right into my belly so you can hear him too! You’re starting to get eyebrows and lashes too! You’re just such a grown up already.

Daddy took a trip this week and bought you the cutest little bib! It’s your first present from Daddy, but I’m positive it won’t be your last.

Nana and I heard your heartbeat again. It was just so cute. I never get tired of hearing it.

Mommy is flying to Odessa this weekend (so obviously you’ll be with me). It’s my first flight as a pregnant lady but I’m sure it’ll be fine. Don’t get me all airsick okay? Mommy doesn’t want to puke!!

I felt you flutter this week baby. You fluttered very low next to my right pelvic bone for the first time (October 13, 2010). I was so excited!! I cannot wait to feel your little kicks, but the fluttering was beautiful. You did it again Sunday morning in church, but it wasn’t in the same spot. Your Daddy tried to feel it, but I had to explain that it was just movement and too soon for him to feel. He wanted to pretend though.

Man baby, you’re doing so awesome. Thank you so much for doing everything you’re supposed to do. Mommy is trying to do everything she’s supposed to do for you too.

I just love you so, so much.

I love you my Little Avocado Bun.


Week 16 Updates

Look at my bump!!!

Weekly Questions

How far along? Sixteen weeks.
How Big Is The Baby? The length of an avocado! The baby is 4.6 inches and 3.5 oz.  
Total weight gain: Today I’m at 137.0. So my overall weight loss is now 4.0 lbs (starting weight 141.0).
Maternity Clothes: My skirts are getting really fitted now. I’m wearing more of my maternity skirts. I can still wear most of my pullover shirt and loose jackets, but nothing that was button up and fitted. Mom also took me bra shopping…I went up a size and was spilling out of my other bras. Thank you Mom!
Sleep: I’m just a little sleepy during the day, but I’ve been doing good at night. I wake up with some back pain, but really I just need to use my body pillow.
Food cravings: Pumpkin. Pumpkin. And More Pumpkin. I want pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin smoothies, pumpkin cookies. You name it, I want it. I’m not eating all of that though! Pumpkin Lattes (Decaf w/o whipped cream) is my biggest weakness.
What I miss: Nothing right now. I'm happy to be pregnant, even with all of the crazy changes!
What I am looking forward to: This week I will be flying to Odessa to help throw Desiree a baby shower for baby Casey! Also, my BIG ultrasound is November 4th. Tyler and I are very excited to see if we’re having a son or a daughter!
Milestones: Mom and I went to my last appointment and the baby’s heartbeat was VERY loud and strong like it has been. I felt the baby flutter for the first time on October 13th!! It wasn’t a kick, but definite movement happening in there. I couldn’t stop smiling!! Tyler bought the baby a cute little bib from Colorado this week and it was the baby’s first present from Daddy!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Little Bun,
How’re you little one?
You’re now the size of a navel orange (please don’t ask me what that is, because in my mind an orange is an orange). You’re about 4 inches long now!! My goodness! That’s awfully long. This week your legs are longer than your arms and the book says you can now sense light! Your eyelids are still stuck shut though…Probably a good thing, I wouldn’t want to stare at amniotic fluid for the next 6 ½ months! I don’t know when they’ll open, but I’m sure they’ll be beautiful. Also, the book tells me to start talking to you this week because you can now hear your Mommy’s voice. I’ll be sure to read to you every single night now.
Tomorrow we have an appointment. The doctor said it’s not super exciting, but I get to hear your little heart beat so that’s always exciting for me.
We spent Saturday night in the Emergency Room because Mommy had vertigo. It was NOT fun at all but the doctor came in to check on you and you were doing great. Your heart is beating 164 bpm and it was LOUD. I’d like to think that because it was 5 in the morning that you were sleeping, but since you’re a baby, I know that’s probably not true.
Mommy’s baby belly is starting to stick out even more now. It’s not huge yet, but it’s nice always having a little bump to remind me that you’re there.
Very soon I may be able to feel you moving around and that will be very fun. I cannot wait for the first time I feel you flicker in my belly.
Daddy is gone this week, but so far we’ve been staying with Poppy, Nana, and Mimi since Mommy can’t drive. Daddy says we would like Colorado and one of the times he goes to work there we can go with him. We can go explore the city and take lots of fun pictures! I
 love you sooooo much Little Bun. So much my heart literally hurts.
You keep growing just like you are. You’re doing an amazing job.
I love you my Little Orange Bun.
Love, Mommy.

Week 15 Updates

So I was medicated during this picture. That explains the awful hair and funny expression. But I was determined to take a picture on my scheduled picture day.
Weekly Questions
How far along? Fifteen beautiful weeks.
How Big Is The Baby? The size of a navel orange! The baby is 4 inches and 2.5 oz. So cute.
Total weight gain: Today I’m at 136.8. So my overall weight loss is now 4.2 lbs (starting weight 141.0).
Maternity Clothes: It’s slowly happening that regular skirts don’t fit. I tried to wear one the other day and had it buttoned up. It was pretty uncomfortable at the beginning of the day so I knew by the end I’d be dying. So yeah..I’m moving into the maternity-bottoms-only phase. Shirts are still okay though, as long as their long.
Sleep: Not bad. I’ve been on drowsy medicine for a few days so that’s helped with the sleep for sure!
Food cravings: I don’t have consistent cravings. It’s like every day I want something new. This week I’ve craved chocolate malt balls (my mom bought me a HUGE container), banana with peanut butter (again, thanks mom!), gummi worms (thanks Tyler!). Haha, everyone gives into my cravings…But that’s because the old wives tale says “Deny a pregnant girl’s craving and you’ll end up with a sty in your eye.” Haha, that’s not why they give me food though. They do it because they are very, very kind people.
What I miss: Nothing right now. I'm happy to be pregnant, even with all of the crazy changes!
What I am looking forward to: I have an appointment Thursday for the heartbeat (yay!) and I’m really looking forward to feeling the baby move around!
Milestones: Spent Saturday night in the ER due to vertigo, and we got to the hear the heartbeat. It was LOUD and fast (164 bpm).

Friday, October 8, 2010

Birthing Class and Funny Faces

Hey Baby!

I forgot to add that we signed up for Bradley Birthing Classes! We'll start January 8th and go through March 12. Basically, Daddy and Mommy are going to learn to get you out of me when the time comes (although I'm pretty sure that you will figure it out regardless of what we know!

Also, you're making silly faces in my belly now. I thought that was cute and had to add it to our little memories. Nana says not to make ugly ones, because they just might stick!

And finally, you were really sticking out last night so much! Mommy really looked pregnant and kept making your Daddy smile. I know you aren't ready to pop out and keep Mommy big just yet, but I'm excited for when you stick out all of the time.

You're a cutie already.

Love you-


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Little Baby Bun-
Hey sweetie. How’re you doing in your little womb?? Hopefully all is well for you this week!
Can you believe you’re the size of a lemon now? My book says you can get up to 3.4 inches this week!! That’s VERY big baby!! It also says you’re doing a lot of thumb sucking and toe wiggling. That makes Mommy laugh and I can’t help but think about you wiggling your little toes in amazement! It’s a pretty incredible thing, so you’re allowed to proud of yourself. Your liver, kidneys, and spleen will develop more this week and you’re also starting to make your own pee (haha, gross right?). The last thing it tells me about is that you are growing thin little hairs all over your little body to keep you warm. If you’re like your Mommy, you’ll be cold all of the time. I try to keep us warm but it’s hard when everyone else around you is always so hot.
I’m pretty sure you have your Daddy’s sweet tooth. That’s all you ever want. Now I try to be a good Mom and make sure we’re eating balanced meals, but sometimes it’s very hard because nothing sounds better than an angel food cake!
Daddy and I went and bought you 3 books this weekend. I know that my book says you can’t hear me yet, but I still love talking to you and this week I started reading to you before bed. It’s so much fun reading “Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?” and “Are You My Mommy?” to you. We’ll read a different one tonight. It’s a fun one about all of the babies falling asleep. We think it’s very important to build you a big library so you’ll always have something to read. And since Mommy is a nerd, we’re starting now!
This weekend we met a little boy who was giving us advice on what toys we should give you when you’re first born. Now most of his selections were way too old for you, but it was still fun playing in the toy aisle with him, and made Mommy very excited about playing with you and your toys once you’re an outside baby.
Next week I get to hear your tiny little heartbeat again. Start practicing beating it very hard and strong again so our doctor can hear it right away.
I love you so much my Little Lemon Bun-

Week 14 Updates

Yep, I’m not wearing shoes in that picture so it looks funny (at least to me it does). That shirt needs tall heels, but since I twisted my ankle really bad that day, I couldn’t get my shoes back on for the picture. So yes, I look like a hillbilly. But stop looking at my feet and look at my little bump!!

Weekly Questions

How far along? Fourteen weeks.

How Big Is The Baby? The size of a lemon! The baby should be getting up to 3.4 inches this week. Pretty hard for me to believe.

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 134.0. So my overall weight loss is now 7 lbs. I don’t mind the weight loss though. I mean my belly is still pooching out so it’s not like I look much thinner!

Maternity Clothes: The shirt in the picture is maternity…Mainly having to wear much looser tops for church because my dressy clothes were fitted or buttoned and those aren’t working too well. I also ordered a couple of shirts from Old Navy! My skirts are still doing well. All it’s going to take is my baby belly popping out of nowhere and my skirts will be done. I guarantee it!

Sleep: Okay so far. I’ve been waking up a couple times a night for no reason and I’m REALLY tired again but at least I’m sleeping comfortably right now.

Food cravings: Just sweets. I’m sure this baby has his/her Daddy’s sweet tooth because that’s all I ever want! I even made a homemade apple pie from scratch this week because it sounded so yum.

What I miss: Nothing right now. I'm happy to be pregnant, even with all of the crazy changes!What I am looking forward to: Next week is the heartbeat checkup. I’m ready to hear the heartbeat again. I think they should check it every week for a piece of mind!!

Milestones: We bought some books to start baby’s library! The happy-crying hormone has kicked in. I cry during TV shows and commercials. And not the sad ones, just the ones that are so very happy that I have to cry. Haha, for a girl who didn't cry during her engagement or wedding (I'm a happy-laugher, not crier) this is really new for me!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week 13 Updates

Look at my little tiny bump! Of course by standing like that my rear looks gigantic LOL. But my hands are always getting in the way of the barely-there bump (in a few months this won't be an issue I'm sure haha) so Tyler told me to move them. Annnnddd this is how I stood. Haha, great choice.

Weekly Questions

How far along? Thirteen weeks.

How Big Is The Baby? The size of a peach. I really could go for a peach right now. Man, I love fruit.

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 135.6. I’ve gained 6 ounces.

Maternity Clothes: Well that dress in the picture is maternity. I’m noticing that I’m still okay in my casual clothes but my dressier stuff doesn’t fit quite as well as it used it.

Sleep: I had to get a body pillow to help me stay on my side. I’m an avid back sleeper but I have this hideous sciatic nerve that drives me crazy. The solution is to not sleep on it. Thus, I have to sleep on the opposite side of the nerve. I’m terrible at it. Even with the body pillow I wake up on my back. It stops me from rolling on my stomach though. Tyler is constantly waking me up in the night to roll back to my side. It’s annoying. And I’m very, very tired.

Food cravings: No real cravings yet. Oh, but Arby’s and I are best of friends. I LOVE that place. Really, I only love the roast beef sandwiches with Arby’s sauce, but still, it’s great to eat. And I love sweets. Sweet foods just make me feel so good right now. Which is bad when my job for Desiree’s shower is to plan the food. I have no problem coming up with sweets, but no “real food” that people will actually want to eat, haha.

What I miss: Nothing right now. I'm happy to be pregnant, even with all of the crazy changes!

What I am looking forward to: I get to go in a couple of weeks and hear the heartbeat again! But until that date nothing major (at least nothing baby-related) is happening.

Milestones: The sciatic nerve thing is new. Is that a milestone? I’m not sure, but it’s baby related and new so it’ll go here. Food: I’m eating way more of it.