Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Baby COHEN-

Oh my word sweet baby, my heart jumped a little writing that. What a HUGE milestone for us. After about 15 or so letters of just writing to my baby, I'm now writing to my son. Daddy and Mommy spent many hours talking about you being a boy or a girl and what we would do depending on your gender. Now that we know, our conversation is still going about you, but now instead we talk about our little boy. We've planned your nursery, we bought a few clothes, we dream about you little Cohen Paul. I can't wait to meet you!!

Well you really aren't doing anything too exciting this week (that's not from me, it's what my phone app says). But that's because you've done SO much in the past 19 weeks that you really deserve some rest! You are already in the 80th percentile in your weight category. You're going to be chubby, aren't you little boy? But that's okay, you'll be adorable!!

You're moving around A LOT. Last night was the first night you actually kept me awake! I would fall asleep you would start to squirm and nudge and I'd have to wake up to find a more comfortable position. Could you move like that when Daddy has his hand on my belly? I went him and everyone else to start feeling you move because it's just so cute!! **Edit: Baby, I wrote this a day early and just last night you did the tiniest little kick for your Daddy! It was very small but he felt you and he was smiling so big!! Thank you sweet baby!**

I already wrote about your big appointment, so I won't be repetitive here.

But I love you so much little boy!! I hope you know that!!

I love you my Little Boy Mango Bun!



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