Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Little Bun-
Hey baby doll face. How’re you doing in there?
I know you’re moving around a lot more because I can feel you! It feels like popcorn popping in my belly. And it’s so cute that whenever I feel you, I stop whatever I’m doing immediately and put my hand on my tummy. I know I can’t feel you on the outside yet, but I just feel like you know Mommy’s hand is there and that I want to keep feeling you move about.
You’re the size of an onion this week. Which is another food that is REALLY strong smelling to Mommy and I’m not too fond of right now. I like them cooked, just not raw and stinky. I’m way off topic though. This week your skeleton is hardening and starting to change into real bone! Which is kind of perfect since it’s the week of Halloween and it’s all about the skeletons right now. Also, you’re starting to develop fat around your bones! Your fingers and toes now have fingerprints!! How cute, you’re an original now. No one else has your little prints.
Mommy’s belly has been popping out this weekend. I’m glad because it means you’re growing and doing all of the correct little baby things in there.
We flew together this weekend and I’m not too sure that you were crazy about it. All of the flights felt rough and Mommy wanted to puke a few times. Luckily, I didn’t.
We also finalized names for you! So next week, after our big appointment, we can call you by name. This makes us so happy little baby.
I see all of the pumpkin patches and fall festivals and I get excited because next year we can take you! Sure, you may not totally understand what they all are since you’ll still be an infant, but Mommy is very ready to celebrate every holiday with my little baby.
I love you so much little baby!!
I love you my Little Onion Bun.
Love, Mommy

Week 17 Updates

I think my bump looks a little big this week but that could be because I'm standing with my hands on my back. But it's definitely there...No hiding the baby. In fact, the baby is moving around as I type this, best feeling ever.

Weekly Questions

How far along? Seventeen weeks. Amazing!

How Big Is The Baby? The baby is 5.1 inches and 5.9 oz. The size of an onion!

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 137.8. So my overall weight loss is now 3.2 lbs (starting weight 141.0).

Maternity Clothes: Well I can still fit a lot of my non-maternity clothes. However, I’m at work in a skirt that I really shouldn’t be wearing. It is digging into my stomach! Guess I better put this skirt up for awhile.

Sleep: I get great sleep as long as I use my body pillow. If I don’t use that, my sciatic nerve is miserable all day long.

Food cravings: I still adore pumpkin. No other real cravings, I just like a lot of juice and sweets. What I miss: Nothing right now. I'm happy to be pregnant, even with all of the crazy changes!

What I am looking forward to: Our BIG ultrasound on November 4th. I’m ready to call my baby by name. And of course, I want to buy cute little clothes.

Milestones: I flew for the first time pregnant (not that great, but I managed). By belly is getting bigger to the point where people are noticing it from the front. The baby is moving more every day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Little Bun-

Hey sweet, sweet little baby.

In just about 2 weeks I’ll be addressing these letters to you using your name! How exciting is that? I can’t wait to call you by name.

You’re the length of an avocado this week. That’s 4 ½ inches long and 3 ½ ounces. You’re so cute. Mommy isn’t a big fan of avocados, but that’s beside the point. Also, the bones in your ears are forming so you can hear even better this week. Mommy talks very loud so I’m sure you’ll be able to hear me all of the time. Daddy likes to talk right into my belly so you can hear him too! You’re starting to get eyebrows and lashes too! You’re just such a grown up already.

Daddy took a trip this week and bought you the cutest little bib! It’s your first present from Daddy, but I’m positive it won’t be your last.

Nana and I heard your heartbeat again. It was just so cute. I never get tired of hearing it.

Mommy is flying to Odessa this weekend (so obviously you’ll be with me). It’s my first flight as a pregnant lady but I’m sure it’ll be fine. Don’t get me all airsick okay? Mommy doesn’t want to puke!!

I felt you flutter this week baby. You fluttered very low next to my right pelvic bone for the first time (October 13, 2010). I was so excited!! I cannot wait to feel your little kicks, but the fluttering was beautiful. You did it again Sunday morning in church, but it wasn’t in the same spot. Your Daddy tried to feel it, but I had to explain that it was just movement and too soon for him to feel. He wanted to pretend though.

Man baby, you’re doing so awesome. Thank you so much for doing everything you’re supposed to do. Mommy is trying to do everything she’s supposed to do for you too.

I just love you so, so much.

I love you my Little Avocado Bun.


Week 16 Updates

Look at my bump!!!

Weekly Questions

How far along? Sixteen weeks.
How Big Is The Baby? The length of an avocado! The baby is 4.6 inches and 3.5 oz.  
Total weight gain: Today I’m at 137.0. So my overall weight loss is now 4.0 lbs (starting weight 141.0).
Maternity Clothes: My skirts are getting really fitted now. I’m wearing more of my maternity skirts. I can still wear most of my pullover shirt and loose jackets, but nothing that was button up and fitted. Mom also took me bra shopping…I went up a size and was spilling out of my other bras. Thank you Mom!
Sleep: I’m just a little sleepy during the day, but I’ve been doing good at night. I wake up with some back pain, but really I just need to use my body pillow.
Food cravings: Pumpkin. Pumpkin. And More Pumpkin. I want pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin smoothies, pumpkin cookies. You name it, I want it. I’m not eating all of that though! Pumpkin Lattes (Decaf w/o whipped cream) is my biggest weakness.
What I miss: Nothing right now. I'm happy to be pregnant, even with all of the crazy changes!
What I am looking forward to: This week I will be flying to Odessa to help throw Desiree a baby shower for baby Casey! Also, my BIG ultrasound is November 4th. Tyler and I are very excited to see if we’re having a son or a daughter!
Milestones: Mom and I went to my last appointment and the baby’s heartbeat was VERY loud and strong like it has been. I felt the baby flutter for the first time on October 13th!! It wasn’t a kick, but definite movement happening in there. I couldn’t stop smiling!! Tyler bought the baby a cute little bib from Colorado this week and it was the baby’s first present from Daddy!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Little Bun,
How’re you little one?
You’re now the size of a navel orange (please don’t ask me what that is, because in my mind an orange is an orange). You’re about 4 inches long now!! My goodness! That’s awfully long. This week your legs are longer than your arms and the book says you can now sense light! Your eyelids are still stuck shut though…Probably a good thing, I wouldn’t want to stare at amniotic fluid for the next 6 ½ months! I don’t know when they’ll open, but I’m sure they’ll be beautiful. Also, the book tells me to start talking to you this week because you can now hear your Mommy’s voice. I’ll be sure to read to you every single night now.
Tomorrow we have an appointment. The doctor said it’s not super exciting, but I get to hear your little heart beat so that’s always exciting for me.
We spent Saturday night in the Emergency Room because Mommy had vertigo. It was NOT fun at all but the doctor came in to check on you and you were doing great. Your heart is beating 164 bpm and it was LOUD. I’d like to think that because it was 5 in the morning that you were sleeping, but since you’re a baby, I know that’s probably not true.
Mommy’s baby belly is starting to stick out even more now. It’s not huge yet, but it’s nice always having a little bump to remind me that you’re there.
Very soon I may be able to feel you moving around and that will be very fun. I cannot wait for the first time I feel you flicker in my belly.
Daddy is gone this week, but so far we’ve been staying with Poppy, Nana, and Mimi since Mommy can’t drive. Daddy says we would like Colorado and one of the times he goes to work there we can go with him. We can go explore the city and take lots of fun pictures! I
 love you sooooo much Little Bun. So much my heart literally hurts.
You keep growing just like you are. You’re doing an amazing job.
I love you my Little Orange Bun.
Love, Mommy.

Week 15 Updates

So I was medicated during this picture. That explains the awful hair and funny expression. But I was determined to take a picture on my scheduled picture day.
Weekly Questions
How far along? Fifteen beautiful weeks.
How Big Is The Baby? The size of a navel orange! The baby is 4 inches and 2.5 oz. So cute.
Total weight gain: Today I’m at 136.8. So my overall weight loss is now 4.2 lbs (starting weight 141.0).
Maternity Clothes: It’s slowly happening that regular skirts don’t fit. I tried to wear one the other day and had it buttoned up. It was pretty uncomfortable at the beginning of the day so I knew by the end I’d be dying. So yeah..I’m moving into the maternity-bottoms-only phase. Shirts are still okay though, as long as their long.
Sleep: Not bad. I’ve been on drowsy medicine for a few days so that’s helped with the sleep for sure!
Food cravings: I don’t have consistent cravings. It’s like every day I want something new. This week I’ve craved chocolate malt balls (my mom bought me a HUGE container), banana with peanut butter (again, thanks mom!), gummi worms (thanks Tyler!). Haha, everyone gives into my cravings…But that’s because the old wives tale says “Deny a pregnant girl’s craving and you’ll end up with a sty in your eye.” Haha, that’s not why they give me food though. They do it because they are very, very kind people.
What I miss: Nothing right now. I'm happy to be pregnant, even with all of the crazy changes!
What I am looking forward to: I have an appointment Thursday for the heartbeat (yay!) and I’m really looking forward to feeling the baby move around!
Milestones: Spent Saturday night in the ER due to vertigo, and we got to the hear the heartbeat. It was LOUD and fast (164 bpm).

Friday, October 8, 2010

Birthing Class and Funny Faces

Hey Baby!

I forgot to add that we signed up for Bradley Birthing Classes! We'll start January 8th and go through March 12. Basically, Daddy and Mommy are going to learn to get you out of me when the time comes (although I'm pretty sure that you will figure it out regardless of what we know!

Also, you're making silly faces in my belly now. I thought that was cute and had to add it to our little memories. Nana says not to make ugly ones, because they just might stick!

And finally, you were really sticking out last night so much! Mommy really looked pregnant and kept making your Daddy smile. I know you aren't ready to pop out and keep Mommy big just yet, but I'm excited for when you stick out all of the time.

You're a cutie already.

Love you-


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Little Baby Bun-
Hey sweetie. How’re you doing in your little womb?? Hopefully all is well for you this week!
Can you believe you’re the size of a lemon now? My book says you can get up to 3.4 inches this week!! That’s VERY big baby!! It also says you’re doing a lot of thumb sucking and toe wiggling. That makes Mommy laugh and I can’t help but think about you wiggling your little toes in amazement! It’s a pretty incredible thing, so you’re allowed to proud of yourself. Your liver, kidneys, and spleen will develop more this week and you’re also starting to make your own pee (haha, gross right?). The last thing it tells me about is that you are growing thin little hairs all over your little body to keep you warm. If you’re like your Mommy, you’ll be cold all of the time. I try to keep us warm but it’s hard when everyone else around you is always so hot.
I’m pretty sure you have your Daddy’s sweet tooth. That’s all you ever want. Now I try to be a good Mom and make sure we’re eating balanced meals, but sometimes it’s very hard because nothing sounds better than an angel food cake!
Daddy and I went and bought you 3 books this weekend. I know that my book says you can’t hear me yet, but I still love talking to you and this week I started reading to you before bed. It’s so much fun reading “Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?” and “Are You My Mommy?” to you. We’ll read a different one tonight. It’s a fun one about all of the babies falling asleep. We think it’s very important to build you a big library so you’ll always have something to read. And since Mommy is a nerd, we’re starting now!
This weekend we met a little boy who was giving us advice on what toys we should give you when you’re first born. Now most of his selections were way too old for you, but it was still fun playing in the toy aisle with him, and made Mommy very excited about playing with you and your toys once you’re an outside baby.
Next week I get to hear your tiny little heartbeat again. Start practicing beating it very hard and strong again so our doctor can hear it right away.
I love you so much my Little Lemon Bun-

Week 14 Updates

Yep, I’m not wearing shoes in that picture so it looks funny (at least to me it does). That shirt needs tall heels, but since I twisted my ankle really bad that day, I couldn’t get my shoes back on for the picture. So yes, I look like a hillbilly. But stop looking at my feet and look at my little bump!!

Weekly Questions

How far along? Fourteen weeks.

How Big Is The Baby? The size of a lemon! The baby should be getting up to 3.4 inches this week. Pretty hard for me to believe.

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 134.0. So my overall weight loss is now 7 lbs. I don’t mind the weight loss though. I mean my belly is still pooching out so it’s not like I look much thinner!

Maternity Clothes: The shirt in the picture is maternity…Mainly having to wear much looser tops for church because my dressy clothes were fitted or buttoned and those aren’t working too well. I also ordered a couple of shirts from Old Navy! My skirts are still doing well. All it’s going to take is my baby belly popping out of nowhere and my skirts will be done. I guarantee it!

Sleep: Okay so far. I’ve been waking up a couple times a night for no reason and I’m REALLY tired again but at least I’m sleeping comfortably right now.

Food cravings: Just sweets. I’m sure this baby has his/her Daddy’s sweet tooth because that’s all I ever want! I even made a homemade apple pie from scratch this week because it sounded so yum.

What I miss: Nothing right now. I'm happy to be pregnant, even with all of the crazy changes!What I am looking forward to: Next week is the heartbeat checkup. I’m ready to hear the heartbeat again. I think they should check it every week for a piece of mind!!

Milestones: We bought some books to start baby’s library! The happy-crying hormone has kicked in. I cry during TV shows and commercials. And not the sad ones, just the ones that are so very happy that I have to cry. Haha, for a girl who didn't cry during her engagement or wedding (I'm a happy-laugher, not crier) this is really new for me!