Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 39 Updates

Am I seriously posting a week 39 update?? CRAZY. Maybe this will be the last one!

Weekly Questions

How far along? 39 Weeks. Insane!

How Big Is The Baby? If last week's ultrasound is correct, and I add the average 1/2 pound a week, then I'd have to guess that he's 7.5 pounds now. And I had an ultrasound yesterday where the tech commented on his "Not so little feet." Haha, so my little boy is very much a big boy and I love that!

Total weight gain: Today I weigh 168.6. That puts my weight gain at 27.6 lbs. I need to have this baby before I hit 30 pounds haha...

Maternity Clothes: Same answer as always-some maternity, some non-maternity. And at this point, just be glad I'm getting dressed. My skirt panels are unusually tight so I can't even pull them over my low riding belly!

Sleep: Ehhhhh. I'm waking up at about 3 wide awake, but hopefully that's just a temporary thing and not going to be the case for every single night!

Food cravings: No real cravings, I'm just hungry all of the time. It's like first trimester all over again. I can't get enough food!

What I miss: I choose this week to be pleasant and not complain because yes, there are a list of things I can't wait to have back after he's born.

What I am looking forward to: Meeting Cohen! It's going to be an amazing day.

Milestones: My appointment yesterday showed that I'm 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced. This just means that I'm getting closer and Cohen should be here any day now!! So awesome!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 38 Updates

The picture is a little blurry this week but it's what I have! This week the survey is a little boring. I'm so very sorry for that...But hey, at least I managed to finish it!

Weekly Questions

How far along? 38 weeks. 2 more to go!!

How Big Is The Baby? My growth ultrasound said 7 lbs right now. We're looking at a cute 8 lb boy!

Total weight gain: Today I  weigh 166.6. That puts my weight gain at 25.6 lbs. My bump is measuring a little small, but after the ultrasound, my doctor determined that I'm just carrying him further towards my back. Or as she said, I'm "hiding my baby." Haha...

Maternity Clothes: Same answer as always-some maternity, some non-maternity.

Sleep:It's there. It's nothing very exciting to discuss. I'm not working anymore so I get to take afternoon naps which is seriously needed!

Food cravings: Nothing really. Just thirsty a lot...

What I miss: Longer walks without contractions hahaa. No but seriously, I'm just ready to meet my little boy!!

What I am looking forward to: It's almost due date time!!

Milestones: I'm officially done with work and that's a beautiful thing! We also had a birthing class and hospital tour this week (could've done without the tour, but that's a whole different story). My hormones have kicked in full gear this week so I'm all sorts of emotional. Our ultrasound tech turned on the 3D option at our growth scan and I got to see his face again--which made me want the birth to get here so much faster--and he is head down, ready to make his entrance! We also finally found a pediatrician for Cohen. A pretty productive week if you ask me!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 37 Updates

I totally forgot to take my dressy picture this week…so here’s me all casual and pregnant and super sleepy. Seriously, this was like at 7:00 am and I was TIRED.

Weekly Questions

How far along? 37 weeks. I’M FULL TERM!! Yep, I had to scream it, because it’s pretty exciting. Down to the last little stretch here…

How Big Is The Baby? BabyCenter says he weighs about 6 1/3 pounds and is over 19 inches long, but my doctor is guessing he is 6.5 pounds right now…which isn’t too far off of the “average” baby. Let’s just say, we’re looking at most likely having a baby about 8 pounds or bigger. All chubby and cute.

Total weight gain: Today I still weigh 163.8! No weight gain this week, which is nice since last week was a pretty big weight gain. So I’m still at 22.8 pounds total. 3 weeks to go and 2.2 under my goal weight…Haha, I’ll probably go a little over that though…

Maternity Clothes: Same answer as always-some maternity, some non-maternity.

Sleep: I’m still sleeping so that’s always great. I do still wake up with back pain, but I’ll have that until he comes out…

Food cravings: This week I craved peanut butter so much it was ridiculous. My snack would consist of a scoop of peanut butter. No crackers, bread, or fruit. Just straight peanut butter. So wonderful. I also really craved Cheesecake Factory’s Crusty Chicken Romano with White Sauce…Never did go eat it though.

What I miss: Bending over to pick up things. Rolling over without sounding like I’m 90. Getting in and out of booths with all little more grace.

What I am looking forward to: Having Cohen. I still have 3 more weeks, but really, I’m ready today.

Milestones: Our baby shower at the church was amazing. We literally got everything we needed. Between that and the gifts from our families, we are completely set. Seriously, his nursery can’t hold anything else. I’m going to Target tonight to buy a few more storage bins and hangers, but we’re done. Also, I’m FULL TERM (thought I’d scream it one more time). Oh! And we felt a foot last night. And not like a little bulge where you know it’s his foot because they told you, but a really foot. Cohen stretched his little foot straight out and it was the tiniest little lump and I got so excited that I interrupted Tyler and made him feel it too. This pregnancy thing is amazing.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 36 Updates

Aw, look at me, all huge and pregnant! Let’s just assume that there won’t be any letters from here on out. I’m lazy. Well that and I’m desperately trying to get everything together before this little guy arrives!

Weekly Questions

How far along? 36 weeks. It’s weird to think that I only have 4 weeks left. One month. CRAZY.

How Big Is The Baby? BabyCenter says he weighs about 6 pounds and is over 18 inches long. Let me just tell you, that he puts all of his weight on my bladder and I can totally believe the 6 pound thing. I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s more than that at this point. My stomach just feels heavy.

Total weight gain: Today I weigh 163.8 which puts me at 22.8 pounds total. And yes, I gained 2.8 pounds in one week, but I'm not going to discuss that.
Maternity Clothes: Same answer as always-some maternity, some non-maternity. The outfit above is all maternity.

Sleep: I’m sleeping! My only issue is falling back to sleep once I wake up...But I’m also going to bed earlier so that’s helping some too!

Food cravings: Nothing really. But I’m eating a ton. I have to work on that. I think my body is trying to make up for all those times I didn’t eat in first trimester. But I’m trying to only eat when I’m hungry and not every time I just think about food (that’s this week’s goal, look at my weight gain, it was clearly not last week’s goal!).

What I miss: Eh…I could keep up with my no complaints thing here…If I would’ve written this Monday when my pregnancy hormones were at an all time high, you’d have pages and pages of complaints to read through. Good thing those leveled off quickly.

What I am looking forward to: My baby shower is tonight! It’s going to be a lot of fun and I’ve been really looking forward to it. Also, my last day of work is officially March 18th so that’s a pretty huge deal too!

Milestones: There were a lot of milestones this week. I had my first internal, and I’m dilated to 1 and the baby’s head is in place, so that’s a huge deal. He has to hang in at least until March 19th though lol…for my convenience. We also installed the car seat—super weird to look in the back seat and see that sitting in there. My hospital bag is officially packed. I have a bag full of travel size toiletries, comfy pajamas, nursing pads, regular pads, socks, and a sleep bra and nursing tank. I also packed Cohen’s coming home outfit, pacifier, and some mittens. It’s very real now…Very, very soon we’ll get to meet our little boy (even if it is still 4 weeks away, that’s very soon to me!!).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Week 35 Updates

Oh boy. Look at that bump. And no, there's not a letter this week.

Weekly Questions

How far along? 35 weeks. It’s the big 35 week milestone: 35 weeks down/35 days to go!

How Big Is The Baby? BabyCenter says he weighs about 5 ¼ pounds and is over 18 inches long. My doctor felt him yesterday and said he’s a good size (She then clarified that she meant he wasn’t unusually small or large, just a good, normal size, not "good size" like I'm going to push out a 14 pounder).

Total weight gain: I'm now 161.0. I've gained 20 pounds so far...5 more weeks to go and my 25 pound weight gain seems a little harder to reach, but I still think I should be under 30 so that's good too.

Maternity Clothes: Same, same—some maternity, some non-maternity. The outfit above is completely non-maternity. Yep, that’s right, I actually wore a skirt that had a zipper. Sure, it didn’t zip the last inch of the way, but it’s always been a skirt that hits lower than most skirts, so I was able to wear it under my belly. And that shirt is insanely stretchy so of course it fits, but I'm not sure if it's always been that sheer haha.

Sleep: Ehhhh, it’s another restless week. But that’s because my hips and lower back are really sore again. Doctor says my pelvic bone is starting to spread, getting ready for little Cohen to descend….Just another reminder that we’re down to the last stretch!

Food cravings: Nothing major..I still really, really, really like red meat and sweet foods.

What I miss: How about I don’t complain today? Haha, I have a list of what I’m ready for again, but right now I’ll just say I’m happy that I’ve made it this far in the pregnancy and that my baby is doing well!

What I am looking forward to: Cohen being an outside baby. Of course, I want him to hang in there and wait until he’s supposed to come out, but now that I’m even closer, I’m ready to meet this little guy

Milestones: We had a baby shower this weekend! My coworkers threw a nice little shower and we got a lot of cute gifts for Cohen. Now his nursery is a mess again, but I’ll get it cleaned up before our next shower. And of course, I hit the 35/35 milestone!! I also started making freezer meals so we'll have things on hand to eat when he gets here!