Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 33 Updates

Okay, this picture is kind of funny because of the shirt I’m wearing. It’s a ruffled shirt and I didn’t realize that when I took the weekly picture in it, the ruffles would block where my belly starts. But still, my belly is undeniably large and constantly growing.
Again, there’s no letter this week. I’m one lazy and tired mama and I’ll hopefully get one written for next week.
Weekly Questions
How far along? 33 weeks!
How Big Is The Baby? BabyCenter says he weighs about 4 pounds and is about 17 inches long. He totally feels like he’s run out of room because I can feel every movement he makes. It scares me to know that I still have 7 weeks and that he has to fit somewhere!
Total weight gain: Today I’m at 158.6. Yep, I had a huge weight gain this week. I would love to say it’s because the baby has gotten so much bigger and not take any of the blame, but honestly, I’ve eaten like a crazy person this week so I have no one to blame but myself. I guess this week I really should try to eat something a little more nutritious than just Gushers and potato chips for a late night snack. Anyways, that puts my total weight gain at 17.6 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: That shirt I’m wearing in this week’s picture is so not maternity and it was super uncomfortable. Haha, I can still wear some non-maternity tops, but I should really avoid the ones that are too short and have to keep pulling down. So my wardrobe is mixed with maternity and non-maternity tops. And of course, when I get bored of what I have, I go shoe shopping, thus the fantastic red shoes in the picture above (thanks Mom for shoe shopping with me J)
Sleep: This wasn’t the best week. I had a little more back pain, and with Cohen’s constant movements I’ve been pretty sleepy. Plus, I want to be in bed every night by 9 and even then I still take constant naps. Maybe next week I’ll find my energy again!
Food cravings: Eh, no real cravings this week. It’s nice.
What I miss: Buckling my own shoes. It’s finally warm enough to break out the wedges and sandals again but man, putting them on is a pain. I don’t even try to do it…So far Mom and Tyler have been my shoe people. And Amanda was a sweetheart and gave me a much needed pedicure (French tipped and everything)—I don’t have dragon toes anymore!!
What I am looking forward to: There’s nothing big happening this week in the baby world for us. I guess I should take a look at the list of pediatricians that my doctor wants me to choose from and if I actually did that, that would be something to look forward to.
Milestones: I had my 33 week check-up. Everything went well but I can’t be in any stressful situations for the next 7 weeks-turns out I’m having mini panic attacks and really, that’s not good for anyone. Cohen has finally reached my ribs. So now when he’s doing these adorable rolls that I can feel near my belly button, I also get these nudges up near my ribs on the side (according to the ultrasound it has to be his feet kicking my bones). But it’s fun to watch him roll around in there. Poor baby, all squished up, nowhere to kick.


  1. You so did NOT have dragon toes...and I wouldn't lie about a thing like that. You may have had dragon toes BEFORE pregnancy haha. Turns out, Cohen has been the best thing to ever happen to your feet! Who knew?!

    Anyways, you look great! Cute belly, awesome feet, great boobs. I can't wait to hold my nephew in a few weeks!


  2. Hahahaha I for sure did have dragon toes before pregnancy. But I do love my new toes you gave me :) It makes wearing sandals much more pleasant.

    And little Cohen cannot wait for his Mimi's back rub she's promised him since day one...
