Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Cohen-

How're you sweet little boy? I know Mommy hasn't been super consistent with these letters the past few weeks and I'm very, very sorry. But turns out, the further I am in the pregnancy, and the busier I get, the more tired I am too!! I wanted to you have a letter each week, and for the most part you do, so ignore the weeks that you don't.

Last night we got to see you sweet tiny little face. Oh boy, do you have a chubby little face!! I LOVE it. I love your chubby little cheeks (or as our ultrasound tech called them-chubeeks). I cannot wait to kiss your nose that looks just like your daddy's and your thin little lips. You're a sweet little boy!!

You're already head down and according to the ultrasound your head is pressed against my cervix and putting way too much pressure on my bladder. Of course, I didn't need him to tell me that, I feel you all day pushing as hard as you can against my poor bladder. Haha, it's okay though, I suppose if you're comfortable, then stay there.

Only 9 more weeks until I get to hold you little Mister. I'm literally counting down the days, I cannot wait!!

I love you a million times over and it may sound weird, but I miss you. I know that's hard to imagine because you're in me right now and I've never held you, but it's true. My heart is so filled with love for you that it's so hard that I can't hug you and kiss you and take care of you just yet. But very soon I will. You'll see.

I love you little boy--


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