Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week THIRTY Updates

Okay, so this week's picture was hard to take. First, I normally take them at night after I'm dressed up for church. That didn't happen this week so we had to quickly take a picture after a long day of work. There were lots of weird shadows so it took a million different tries to get this picture. So that's why my face looks really unergetic. Plus, it's a weird angle of my belly...but the bump is very there.

Finally, before I get on with the questions...there's no letter this week. It's been another one of those busy weeks at work that I wasn't expecting so I haven't had the time!!

Weekly Questions

How far along? 30 weeks! Only 10 more to go. CRAZY.

How Big Is The Baby? BabyCenter says he weighs almost 3 pounds and is 15.7 inches long.

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 152.2. So that's 11.2 pounds so far.
Maternity Clothes: Yep. I'm wearing them. The entire outfit above is maternity...including the tank top sticking out of the bottom. The length is really important because my baby likes to sit low, so my belly has to stay covered. Except of course when I'm home. Then I wear t-shirts that barely fit before I was pregnant and walk around pretending that I look cute with a giant belly hanging out. Haha, Mom and Amanda got to see a little of that when they came over....

Sleep: Every night I find something else to add to my list of helpful sleeping tips so it's getting better. Warm baths relax my back, pillows propped under my back help the heartburn and allergy problems (the allergy problems aren't pregnancy related, but it's nice knowing what to do after the baby gets here to help me sleep through wonderful San Antonio allergy season!). Basically, it's not as bad as it's been.

Food cravings: Cheddar Cheese Cup of Noodles. Probably the grossest thing to crave because their super high in sodium, and it's cheddar flavored noodle soup. Not really the classiest thing to eat. But for 29 cents, I give into that craving and look forward to eating all of the noodles out of the styrofoam cup...and I'm not kiddnig when I say I'm a little sad when it's all gone. Maybe that craving will quickly go ahead because it's so disgusting.

What I miss: Nothing really this week. Oh...except I really wanted to go to Six Flags today. And then I got sad because I wouldn't be allowed to ride the rides and had a pity party for myself. The whole scenario was ridiculous. It's like 55 degrees right now and the park isn't even open. I'm not sure why I got so wrapped up in that thought. Haha..

What I am looking forward to: Tonight is my breastfeeding class. 3 hours of talking about nursing should be super interesting. Plus, Tyler's Mom and Des and Casey are coming to San Antonio this weekend! I finally get to meet that little boy :)

Milestones: Mom and Amanda came over and helped me finish up the nursery! Well, it's not finished, but everything is finally hung on the walls and we got a lot of little things put away. Once I have my 2 showers I'm sure I'll have a lot more to do in there. But for now, everything has a place and his wall hanging are up. It's a cute little room! Tyler and I watch my belly every night and watch how much Cohen moves around in there. Seriously, he's very active and we really don't even need a TV right now...he's our entertainment! I have a doctor's appointment Monday...I'm now at the stage where I'll see my doctor every 2 weeks!

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