Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Letter To My Little Bun

Dear Cohen-

Hey sweet, sweet little boy. How're you this morning?

I'm thinking you're doing really well since you've been squirming and kicking around since about 6:00 this morning. I don't mind though, I like feeling you move! After Daddy and I went to bed you started moving around so much that I couldn't sleep. I had to just put my hand on my belly and smile as I pictured you in there stretching and moving around. You're so cute.

BabyCenter says that you're now sleeping and waking up at regular intervals and I definitely agree. You are really awake at night and during the morning, but right around noon, you stop moving and I think you're in there sleeping away. You're also opening and shutting your eyes now and man, I cannot wait to see those little eyes of yours!

We only have 13 weeks until we meet you little boy. I cannot wait!

You did awesome at our last doctor's appointment. You beat your heart so well and I think you were doing it to show off for your Nana. She loved hearing it.

Can you do one teensy, tiny favor? You know that nerve in there where you think it's so fun to play? Could you please lift off it and move? I love you and I love feeling you move, but you are on this part of my nerve that is giving me terrible hip pain and it's killing me. That's all I ask of you this week.

I love you my sweet, sweet little Mister.



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