Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 36 Updates

Aw, look at me, all huge and pregnant! Let’s just assume that there won’t be any letters from here on out. I’m lazy. Well that and I’m desperately trying to get everything together before this little guy arrives!

Weekly Questions

How far along? 36 weeks. It’s weird to think that I only have 4 weeks left. One month. CRAZY.

How Big Is The Baby? BabyCenter says he weighs about 6 pounds and is over 18 inches long. Let me just tell you, that he puts all of his weight on my bladder and I can totally believe the 6 pound thing. I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s more than that at this point. My stomach just feels heavy.

Total weight gain: Today I weigh 163.8 which puts me at 22.8 pounds total. And yes, I gained 2.8 pounds in one week, but I'm not going to discuss that.
Maternity Clothes: Same answer as always-some maternity, some non-maternity. The outfit above is all maternity.

Sleep: I’m sleeping! My only issue is falling back to sleep once I wake up...But I’m also going to bed earlier so that’s helping some too!

Food cravings: Nothing really. But I’m eating a ton. I have to work on that. I think my body is trying to make up for all those times I didn’t eat in first trimester. But I’m trying to only eat when I’m hungry and not every time I just think about food (that’s this week’s goal, look at my weight gain, it was clearly not last week’s goal!).

What I miss: Eh…I could keep up with my no complaints thing here…If I would’ve written this Monday when my pregnancy hormones were at an all time high, you’d have pages and pages of complaints to read through. Good thing those leveled off quickly.

What I am looking forward to: My baby shower is tonight! It’s going to be a lot of fun and I’ve been really looking forward to it. Also, my last day of work is officially March 18th so that’s a pretty huge deal too!

Milestones: There were a lot of milestones this week. I had my first internal, and I’m dilated to 1 and the baby’s head is in place, so that’s a huge deal. He has to hang in at least until March 19th though lol…for my convenience. We also installed the car seat—super weird to look in the back seat and see that sitting in there. My hospital bag is officially packed. I have a bag full of travel size toiletries, comfy pajamas, nursing pads, regular pads, socks, and a sleep bra and nursing tank. I also packed Cohen’s coming home outfit, pacifier, and some mittens. It’s very real now…Very, very soon we’ll get to meet our little boy (even if it is still 4 weeks away, that’s very soon to me!!).

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