Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week 29 Updates

Haha, this week’s picture just makes me laugh. How tight is my shirt?

Weekly Questions

How far along? 29 weeks!

How Big Is The Baby? BabyCenter says he weighs 2 ½ pounds and is 15 inches long.

Total weight gain: Today I’m at 151.2. So that's 10.2 pounds so far. And we're not going to discuss the stretchmarks I found on my boobs. That's just depressing.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely more comfortable at this point because of the length. Obviously, that’s not what I’m wearing in that picture. Well the skirt is, but not the shirt. But clearly that was the last time I’ll be wearing that top for awhile!

Sleep: I’m not going to complain about my non-sleep habits again this week. I will say that my sleep has improved some, but I’d still like to wake up without back pain.

Food cravings: Nothing really. I mean I prefer some foods over others, but I don’t crave anything to the point where I have to have it right then.

What I miss: No back pain.

What I am looking forward to: Next week I have a breastfeeding class, so that’ll be cool. PLUS, I’ve almost hit 30 weeks. That’s a pretty big deal.

Milestones: Mom bought Cohen his dedication outfit and I cried. The crying isn’t the milestone, just the outfit. The crying happens often (thanks for the airport story Mom, every time I think about it, I get all misty-eyed). Other than that, no big milestones this week. If there were any, and I forgot, well I’m sorry, my brain is mush right now. It’s not my fault.


  1. welcome to motherhood. Your brain will be mush for along you sweetie, Aunt Gina

  2. Haha that's fantastic Aunt Gina!

    Love you too :)
