So this is where I will post my weekly pictures, my weekly survey, and my counter that shows how big the baby is so far.
Weekly Belly Picture
**No I don't have a picture of me for this one, obviously, but those will start next week!!**
Weekly Questions
How far along? I'm guessing 3-4 weeks but I obviously won't know for sure until I go see my doctor!
How Big Is The Baby? Since I'm guessing 3-4 weeks, then Little Bun is the size of a poppy seed which means Little Bun is so ridiculously small right now. And cute. I'm sure of it.

Total weight gain: Haha obviously none so far (although I'd like to blame my weight gain on pregnancy already but since I gained 5 months ago nobody will believe that). Oh, but I'm not so concerned about looking bloated anymore. I'm having a baby so really I'm allowed to have a baby bloat!
Maternity Clothes: Again, it's only been 3-4 weeks. If I'm sporting maternity clothes already, then I'm guessing this is going to be one giant baby. Luckily, I'm not!
Stretch marks: Boo. It's still too early to answer these questions. **And Lord, if you're reading this, please, please, PLEASE, let this answer always be no. pleasethankyouamen*
Sleep: This week I've been SUPER exhausted. Like taking naps at 8 pm and then getting back into bed at 10 pm. Who knew it was pregnancy related? Not me!! Thought work was busy so I was tired...instead it was because I was starting to grow a human.
Movement: **Obviously no, so I'm skipping these questions**
Food cravings: None, but my appetite is HUGE right now. I mean I've always loved eating but right now I'm hungry. All of the time. No joke. Again, no idea I was pregnant, but after eating 2 bowls of cereal and 30 minutes later I was starving again, I joked that I must be pregnant. Awww, it was a true joke! Yay! So yeah, I'm hungry. Oh! And I got to use that at Olive Garden tonight when I thought I was going to throw up because I needed food. My mom said "She's pregnant and really needs to eat. Could you bring out the bread right away?" Beautiful. I'm using that for the next 9 months...
What I miss: I juuuussst found out so no huge sacrifices yet. Oh, except cutting back on caffeine. I have a wonderful headache right now. **Lord, since I'm growing a baby and I kind of have to cut back on caffeine, would you pleeeeeasssee make these headaches go away?***
What I am looking forward to: Everything! We have a whole 9 months of watching our baby grow. We have all of the milestones ahead of us and I couldn't be more thrilled!
Milestones: The second line showing up on the stick. Telling all of our family. My hands shaking from fear. The teddy bear my parents bought that said "Baby's First Friend" and me getting all choked up. It's going to be an amazing journey.
Annnnndddd now I need a snack.
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