I'm not quite as fat as this picture shows. I just look chubby in it, but I think it's the way the shirt is laying on me. Hm, end of the day bloat.
Weekly Questions
How far along? 8 weeks 4 days
How Big Is The Baby? The size of a raspberry!
Total weight gain: None so far (I can thank food aversions for that!).
Maternity Clothes: Just my denim skirt. As for non-maternity clothes, I’m definitely anti-fitted shirts right now, my belly is HUGE by the end of the day so I don’t like anything tight around my stomach.
Sleep: I still get pretty sleepy by the end of the day, but I'm trying to force myself not to sleep at 6 every night. My doctor realllly wants me to get out and walk to stay healthy, so I may have to fight sleep a little more.
Food cravings: Still I just like cold foods. I haven't been sick this week but I'm not craving anything.
Food aversions: Still hot food. Anything that stinks.
What I miss: Nothing so far!
What I am looking forward to: Getting maternity shirts from Rachel (yay for non-fitted clothes!), getting to nine weeks soon, seeing Tyler's family this weekend (first time since we found out about Baby Bun).
Milestones: Seeing baby bun and it's BEAUTIFUL heartbeat. Made me swoon.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Letter To My Little Bun
Dear Baby Bun-
Hey sweet baby.You’ve made huge progress this week! You’re the size of a raspberry and you’re growing like crazy! According to my pregnancy book you are starting to move your arms and legs, fingers and toes like crazy (but I can’t feel it yet). I think it’s so adorable that you’re in there just moving your limbs around. Makes me think that you’re curious and trying to figure out what those are for! Don’t worry baby, you’ll know soon enough.
You did AWESOME at your first big doctor appointment. Man, when I asked you to beat your little heart really strong, you sure did listen. You made Mommy and Daddy smile and laugh when we saw your little heart pounding. Mommy just about cried when she heard it. I cannot believe you’re doing so awesome. You keep it up okay? Mommy has to go back in about 3 ½ weeks for a follow-up appointment and my doctor is going to look at you again, so be sure to be strong and healthy okay?
Oh, and as soon as you’re ready to start eating meat, please let me know. Mommy misses it and really needs it but I just can’t seem to eat it right now! But I won’t rush you, just hopefully it’s very soon little one.
Mommy and Mimi went out this weekend and bought you a couple of presents! Just a few small ones. But I’m positive that you’re going to love them.
Man baby, you are already so loved it’s unbelievable. You have so many people who love you that you’ll never have to feel lonely.
I love you little Raspberry Bun.
Love, Mommy
Hey sweet baby.You’ve made huge progress this week! You’re the size of a raspberry and you’re growing like crazy! According to my pregnancy book you are starting to move your arms and legs, fingers and toes like crazy (but I can’t feel it yet). I think it’s so adorable that you’re in there just moving your limbs around. Makes me think that you’re curious and trying to figure out what those are for! Don’t worry baby, you’ll know soon enough.
You did AWESOME at your first big doctor appointment. Man, when I asked you to beat your little heart really strong, you sure did listen. You made Mommy and Daddy smile and laugh when we saw your little heart pounding. Mommy just about cried when she heard it. I cannot believe you’re doing so awesome. You keep it up okay? Mommy has to go back in about 3 ½ weeks for a follow-up appointment and my doctor is going to look at you again, so be sure to be strong and healthy okay?
Oh, and as soon as you’re ready to start eating meat, please let me know. Mommy misses it and really needs it but I just can’t seem to eat it right now! But I won’t rush you, just hopefully it’s very soon little one.
Mommy and Mimi went out this weekend and bought you a couple of presents! Just a few small ones. But I’m positive that you’re going to love them.
Man baby, you are already so loved it’s unbelievable. You have so many people who love you that you’ll never have to feel lonely.
I love you little Raspberry Bun.
Love, Mommy
Monday, August 23, 2010
Funny Things I've Been Told...
"You must be having a girl! If you're having a boy, they give back to you and glow more. If you're having a girl, they take the beauty away from you and you look very washed out."--Girl in Youth Group.
Man, you don't tell a pregnant lady that she looks washed out and has not beauty. I almost whipped out those hormones and started crying. Haha....
Man, you don't tell a pregnant lady that she looks washed out and has not beauty. I almost whipped out those hormones and started crying. Haha....
Letter To My Little Bun
Dear Little Bun,
How are you little sweetie? This week has been VERY interesting for us hasn’t it?
Did you know you are half of an inch? It makes Mommy smile ear to ear thinking about how big you’re getting. And your brain now has TWO hemispheres and it’s generating 100 new cells every minute. You are already so smart it’s ridiculous. Baby, you’re growing arms and legs now!! That’s just too cute.
Plus, you’re really making Daddy learn his way around the kitchen. He doesn’t have much of a choice does he? It’s either follow Mommy’s recipe, or eat cereal. Not everyone is like us, wanting cereal 3 times a day. But Daddy has been fantastic. He’s really pampering us little baby. I’m too tired to function when I get home so Daddy cleans up the apartment, keeps the stinky dishes out of the sink, and helps keep the laundry all caught up (I’m pretty sure this sentence has terrible parallel structure but I really don’t care today).
Mommy is working very busy hours at work right now and it’s really hard because I want to take a nap and I want my stomach to settle. I’ve been sucking on peppermints all day long because it stops me from gagging a little bit. Let’s just say that this week, pregnancy hormones have really kicked in. Mommy is a bit cranky (but that could be because I’m soooo tired) and I can’t eat much. You made Mommy throw up for the first time this week. Not fun kiddo, but it’s okay. That won’t last forever, I know. I went to the store and bought a strawberry sorbet which you really seemed to like (silly baby, you love cold foods!).
Daddy and I picked out names for you this week. We have a beautiful girl name picked out and a super awesome boy name picked out too. So no matter you are, you’ll have a really awesome name waiting for you.
I can't wait until Thursday when Daddy and I get to see your little heartbeat. Make sure to beat it very, very strong okay?
I love you my little Blueberry Bun!!
How are you little sweetie? This week has been VERY interesting for us hasn’t it?
Did you know you are half of an inch? It makes Mommy smile ear to ear thinking about how big you’re getting. And your brain now has TWO hemispheres and it’s generating 100 new cells every minute. You are already so smart it’s ridiculous. Baby, you’re growing arms and legs now!! That’s just too cute.
Plus, you’re really making Daddy learn his way around the kitchen. He doesn’t have much of a choice does he? It’s either follow Mommy’s recipe, or eat cereal. Not everyone is like us, wanting cereal 3 times a day. But Daddy has been fantastic. He’s really pampering us little baby. I’m too tired to function when I get home so Daddy cleans up the apartment, keeps the stinky dishes out of the sink, and helps keep the laundry all caught up (I’m pretty sure this sentence has terrible parallel structure but I really don’t care today).
Mommy is working very busy hours at work right now and it’s really hard because I want to take a nap and I want my stomach to settle. I’ve been sucking on peppermints all day long because it stops me from gagging a little bit. Let’s just say that this week, pregnancy hormones have really kicked in. Mommy is a bit cranky (but that could be because I’m soooo tired) and I can’t eat much. You made Mommy throw up for the first time this week. Not fun kiddo, but it’s okay. That won’t last forever, I know. I went to the store and bought a strawberry sorbet which you really seemed to like (silly baby, you love cold foods!).
Daddy and I picked out names for you this week. We have a beautiful girl name picked out and a super awesome boy name picked out too. So no matter you are, you’ll have a really awesome name waiting for you.
I can't wait until Thursday when Daddy and I get to see your little heartbeat. Make sure to beat it very, very strong okay?
I love you my little Blueberry Bun!!
Week 7 Updates
So much bloat still! And the cat really wanted to be a part of this picture haha.
Weekly Questions
How far along? 7 weeks 4 days
How Big Is The Baby? The size of a blueberry! So big already (I know, I know, in a few months I’ll think a blueberry is a little bitty baby, but for right now, that’s pretty big!)
Total weight gain: None so far (I can thank food aversions for that!).
Maternity Clothes: Just my denim skirt. As for non-maternity clothes, I’m definitely anti-fitted shirts right now, my belly is HUGE by the end of the day so I don’t like anything tight around my stomach. Oh, and I had to buy a bigger bra. Haha, my boobs came out of nowhere!
Sleep: All. Of. The. Time. It’s all I want to do. I wake up looking forward to bed time!
Food cravings: This week I just like cold foods. And Tyson Chicken Nuggets (not cold of course). But my morning sickness has really kicked in this week so eating is more of a chore right now (I know this will get better). Cold foods just seem to sooth my stomach better so I bought a box of popsicles to eat for now!
Food aversions: Most hot food. Anything that stinks. I’m pretty complainy this week about food. I just don’t like it.
What I miss: Nothing so far!
What I am looking forward to: I get to see my baby’s heartbeat on Thursday! I couldn’t be more excited
Milestones: Puking (gross I know). Going up a bra size (hey, I’m changing because of the baby so I say yes, this is a milestone).
Monday, August 16, 2010
Week 6 Updates
Man, that bloat is still very much there! Who knew that even though I'm losing weight that I'd still look a bit fat?
Weekly Questions
How far along? 6 weeks 4 days
How Big Is The Baby? The size of a sweet pea. Too cute!
Total weight gain: Still haven't gained, but I lost 2 more. Though my belly is very bloated, so I really can't tell.
Maternity Clothes: Just my denim skirt that I love oh so much!
Sleep: I still do A LOT of this. In fact, I'm really tired as I write this but I will make it through!! But I'm waking up bright and early not able to fall back to sleep.
Food cravings: Rice crispies. French Bread and Butter. But really nothing else. I eat, but I don't crave anything.
Food aversions: Oh man, too many to list. If it has a strong smell, I can't eat it (nor can anyone else eat it in front of me). This can explain the weight loss I'm sure.
What I miss: Nothing so far!
What I am looking forward to: Still August 26th: The BIG appointment. We’ll get to see our baby and hopefully hear a heart beat!
Milestones: The queasy feeling. That's VERY new and not so fun. Averting all types of food (I'm feeling weird just thinking about what Tyler ate for dinner last night). Waking up at 6:30 am, eyes wide open. Looking at Babies R Us with Tyler.
Weekly Questions
How far along? 6 weeks 4 days
How Big Is The Baby? The size of a sweet pea. Too cute!
Total weight gain: Still haven't gained, but I lost 2 more. Though my belly is very bloated, so I really can't tell.
Maternity Clothes: Just my denim skirt that I love oh so much!
Sleep: I still do A LOT of this. In fact, I'm really tired as I write this but I will make it through!! But I'm waking up bright and early not able to fall back to sleep.
Food cravings: Rice crispies. French Bread and Butter. But really nothing else. I eat, but I don't crave anything.
Food aversions: Oh man, too many to list. If it has a strong smell, I can't eat it (nor can anyone else eat it in front of me). This can explain the weight loss I'm sure.
What I miss: Nothing so far!
What I am looking forward to: Still August 26th: The BIG appointment. We’ll get to see our baby and hopefully hear a heart beat!
Milestones: The queasy feeling. That's VERY new and not so fun. Averting all types of food (I'm feeling weird just thinking about what Tyler ate for dinner last night). Waking up at 6:30 am, eyes wide open. Looking at Babies R Us with Tyler.
Letter To My Little Bun
Dear Little Bun--
Hey baby. You have kept Mommy on her toes for sure this week!
You have grown a lot this week (you grow a lot every week, but I'm just so proud of you that I have to compliment you!). You've grown eyes, ears, nose, and a chin!! Your heart is beating very, very fast (and I cannot wait to see that in a week and 4 days!). Your blood is starting to circulate, and you have little webbed hands and feet! You're too cute already!!
You've started making Mommy VERY queasy this week! You haven't made me throw up yet, but I constantly feel like I've gotten off a ride at an amusement park, with my stomach up in my throat. Daddy can't eat anything that smells around me, without me leaving the room. All that really tastes good to me right now is ginger ale and Rice Crispies. I eat A LOT of those right now.
Daddy and Mommy went to Babies R Us just to look around and to get excited about all the things we'll need to buy for you. Of course, the store is HUGE so I felt a little overwhelmed. I just hope I can be the best Mommy that you've ever hoped for, little baby!
I've had a very good week with you baby, and remember, you keep growing and keep doing everything you're supposed to do. Beat your heart super strong, and I'm very bloated right now, so you should have plenty of space to move around and play if you want (I know you're very tiny, but I like to think that you're still ready to play).
I love you little baby and I hope you know how excited I am to be your Mommy!!
I love you Little Sweet Pea Bun.
Hey baby. You have kept Mommy on her toes for sure this week!
You have grown a lot this week (you grow a lot every week, but I'm just so proud of you that I have to compliment you!). You've grown eyes, ears, nose, and a chin!! Your heart is beating very, very fast (and I cannot wait to see that in a week and 4 days!). Your blood is starting to circulate, and you have little webbed hands and feet! You're too cute already!!
You've started making Mommy VERY queasy this week! You haven't made me throw up yet, but I constantly feel like I've gotten off a ride at an amusement park, with my stomach up in my throat. Daddy can't eat anything that smells around me, without me leaving the room. All that really tastes good to me right now is ginger ale and Rice Crispies. I eat A LOT of those right now.
Daddy and Mommy went to Babies R Us just to look around and to get excited about all the things we'll need to buy for you. Of course, the store is HUGE so I felt a little overwhelmed. I just hope I can be the best Mommy that you've ever hoped for, little baby!
I've had a very good week with you baby, and remember, you keep growing and keep doing everything you're supposed to do. Beat your heart super strong, and I'm very bloated right now, so you should have plenty of space to move around and play if you want (I know you're very tiny, but I like to think that you're still ready to play).
I love you little baby and I hope you know how excited I am to be your Mommy!!
I love you Little Sweet Pea Bun.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Week 5-Week of the Bloat

Weekly Questions
How far along? 5 weeks 4 days
How Big Is The Baby? The size of an appleseed. My word, this baby has done A LOT this week in terms of growing.
otal weight gain: Well, I lost almost three in the beginning of the week, but I’ve put one back on. So I say I’ve lost 2 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Not really. Mom took to me this cute maternity shop to look around and I got a sweater for the fall and a cute dress for the fall. I also picked out a cute denim skirt that is fantastic. I got to wear the baby belly while trying them on so that was fun too. Oh, and I’m not gonna lie, I wear that jean skirt now. Haha, way too early, but with that fantastic bloat, my other denim skirts just don’t button comfortably. Who knew this elastic panel would be soooo comfortable?
Stretch marks: Obviously none right now!
Sleep: I do this all of the time. No joke. The other night I went to sleep at 8:50. And I slept without waking up throughout the night. I am one tired lady right now.
Movement: **Obviously no, so I'm skipping these questions**
Food cravings: Besides the HUGE appetite that I still have, I also had my first real craving this week: BBQ Potato Chips. It’s only because I sampled one at Costco and they were amazing. By the time dinner rolled around they were all I could think about. That was really the only night I’ve craved them or anything else.
Food aversions: Fake sugar (see previous blog entry).
What I miss: Nothing so far!
What I am looking forward to: August 26th: The BIG appointment. We’ll get to see our baby and hopefully hear a heart beat!
Milestones: Going to doctor on Thursday and doing an ultrasound. I got to see where the baby might possibly be growing. Trying on the baby belly to see where I’ll be in a few months. Buying a tankini top to hide this bloat. Telling people at work that I’m going to have a baby. Getting horribly sick after drinking chocolate milk (is that a milestone?). Taking our first weekly picture together.
Letter To My Little Bun
Dear Little Bun-
Hey sweetie. What a week we've had together!
You have grown SO much this week that it's no shock that you made Mommy cramp so much! You've grown from a poppy seed into a little appleseed. You've started to grow your major organs like your stomach, kidney, heart, and liver, and you've started to develop your nervous system, circulatory system, and digestive system. Which is A LOT for a little baby to do in such a few short days.
The cramps weren't too bad, but they worried Mommy a little so I called the doctor and she had me come in for a visit. She did an ultrasound, but because it's still really early the doctor couldn't see much. But she did see a spot that you could possible be growing and it made Mommy smile and laugh! You already make me smile so much it's ridiculous.
You've also made Mommy pretty bloaty this week. In fact, I can't even button my usual denim skirts! Luckily, Nana bought me a few maternity items, one of them being a jean skirt. So even though I don't have a baby belly just yet, I wear this skirt when I can because it's much more comfortable than trying to squeeze into a skirt that's just too small right now.
You have also started waking Mommy up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Who knew that something so tiny could wake me up at 3:00 am? Even though I can't see and I stumble around trying to find the bathroom, I still smile, because that just means you're growing even more and that makes me very happy.
Do you hear Daddy praying for you? He prays for you every single night baby. He puts his hand on my tummy and prays that you will continue to grow and you will be healthy. He prays that we will be good parents to you and that we can be a fantastic family. So please baby, listen to those prayers, because we are telling the truth. We want to meet you one day, so you have to do your job and keep growing. And when Mommy and Daddy go to the doctor in a few weeks, beat your heart really strong so we can see it and Mommy can have less worries okay?
I love you Little Appleseed Bun.
Hey sweetie. What a week we've had together!
You have grown SO much this week that it's no shock that you made Mommy cramp so much! You've grown from a poppy seed into a little appleseed. You've started to grow your major organs like your stomach, kidney, heart, and liver, and you've started to develop your nervous system, circulatory system, and digestive system. Which is A LOT for a little baby to do in such a few short days.
The cramps weren't too bad, but they worried Mommy a little so I called the doctor and she had me come in for a visit. She did an ultrasound, but because it's still really early the doctor couldn't see much. But she did see a spot that you could possible be growing and it made Mommy smile and laugh! You already make me smile so much it's ridiculous.
You've also made Mommy pretty bloaty this week. In fact, I can't even button my usual denim skirts! Luckily, Nana bought me a few maternity items, one of them being a jean skirt. So even though I don't have a baby belly just yet, I wear this skirt when I can because it's much more comfortable than trying to squeeze into a skirt that's just too small right now.
You have also started waking Mommy up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Who knew that something so tiny could wake me up at 3:00 am? Even though I can't see and I stumble around trying to find the bathroom, I still smile, because that just means you're growing even more and that makes me very happy.
Do you hear Daddy praying for you? He prays for you every single night baby. He puts his hand on my tummy and prays that you will continue to grow and you will be healthy. He prays that we will be good parents to you and that we can be a fantastic family. So please baby, listen to those prayers, because we are telling the truth. We want to meet you one day, so you have to do your job and keep growing. And when Mommy and Daddy go to the doctor in a few weeks, beat your heart really strong so we can see it and Mommy can have less worries okay?
I love you Little Appleseed Bun.
Week 5 In Pictures
Here's Mommy at her first ultrasound!
Nana took Mommy to try on some maternity clothes and they let me wear this fun belly to see what I'll look like much further along with you. Please ignore Mommy's bad hair.
Daddy and Mimi thought it would be funny to look pregnant. They make some huge pregnant bellies don't they?
Nana took Mommy to try on some maternity clothes and they let me wear this fun belly to see what I'll look like much further along with you. Please ignore Mommy's bad hair.
Daddy and Mimi thought it would be funny to look pregnant. They make some huge pregnant bellies don't they?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Chocolate Milk
Thank you Little Bun for letting me know your extreme hate for chocolate milk. Well, for fake diet sugar at least.
And when I say you hate it, I don't mean this lightly.
You hate it so much that approximately 30 seconds after finishing my glass I was sitting up praying to God I wouldn't get sick. And for the next 2 hours I spent my night crying, panicking, and laying on the bathroom floor.
Kid, it was not pleasant. But that's okay, for the next 9 months I will not eat anymore diet sugar. No sweet-n-low, splenda, truvia, any of it. No diet foods for me. If you want sugar, I'll give you the real stuff.
As for chocolate milk, I'll probably never drink that again.
And when I say you hate it, I don't mean this lightly.
You hate it so much that approximately 30 seconds after finishing my glass I was sitting up praying to God I wouldn't get sick. And for the next 2 hours I spent my night crying, panicking, and laying on the bathroom floor.
Kid, it was not pleasant. But that's okay, for the next 9 months I will not eat anymore diet sugar. No sweet-n-low, splenda, truvia, any of it. No diet foods for me. If you want sugar, I'll give you the real stuff.
As for chocolate milk, I'll probably never drink that again.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Letter To My Little Bun
Dear Little Bun-
Hey little baby. This has been a pretty exciting time for your Daddy and Mommy! We were so happy to find out that you’re finally growing inside of us and the test came back positive. So far, the only symptoms you're giving Mommy is some light cramping (don’t worry, I looked up, and your okay, the cramping is normal right now) and extreme hunger. I want to eat all of the time. It’s unbelievable. But if you want to eat all of the time, that’s okay, just please don’t make me sick. Mommy hates to throw up and Daddy doesn’t like to hear throw up (I did warn him that you’ll help him get past that!). Today I woke up feeling kind of weird, but I still smiled because I know it’s because you’re growing. I’ve looked up what you’re doing this week and you are busy! You’re growing so much this week and I’m already so proud of you!
I promise you baby, that this next nine months I will do my best to carry you and take care of you. I will eat what I’m supposed to and I’m giving up caffeine just to make sure you stay healthy (believe me, Mommy has a HUGE Diet Coke addiction). And after nine months, you’ll get to come home with Mommy and Daddy and we’ll get to love you and hold you and play with you. But, you have to promise me that you’re going to hang in there the next nine months. Don’t go anywhere or try to get out too early.
I get to go to the doctor in one month and hear your little heartbeat, so for the next 30 days grow A LOT and have a really good heartbeat so we can hear you when the time comes.
I’m looking forward to this next week with you, my very sweet (and cute) Little Bun.
I love you so much already, even if you’re as small as a poppyseed, so imagine how much more I’m going to love you these next few months.
Okay Little Bun, let’s do this together!
I love you so much-
Hey little baby. This has been a pretty exciting time for your Daddy and Mommy! We were so happy to find out that you’re finally growing inside of us and the test came back positive. So far, the only symptoms you're giving Mommy is some light cramping (don’t worry, I looked up, and your okay, the cramping is normal right now) and extreme hunger. I want to eat all of the time. It’s unbelievable. But if you want to eat all of the time, that’s okay, just please don’t make me sick. Mommy hates to throw up and Daddy doesn’t like to hear throw up (I did warn him that you’ll help him get past that!). Today I woke up feeling kind of weird, but I still smiled because I know it’s because you’re growing. I’ve looked up what you’re doing this week and you are busy! You’re growing so much this week and I’m already so proud of you!
I promise you baby, that this next nine months I will do my best to carry you and take care of you. I will eat what I’m supposed to and I’m giving up caffeine just to make sure you stay healthy (believe me, Mommy has a HUGE Diet Coke addiction). And after nine months, you’ll get to come home with Mommy and Daddy and we’ll get to love you and hold you and play with you. But, you have to promise me that you’re going to hang in there the next nine months. Don’t go anywhere or try to get out too early.
I get to go to the doctor in one month and hear your little heartbeat, so for the next 30 days grow A LOT and have a really good heartbeat so we can hear you when the time comes.
I’m looking forward to this next week with you, my very sweet (and cute) Little Bun.
I love you so much already, even if you’re as small as a poppyseed, so imagine how much more I’m going to love you these next few months.
Okay Little Bun, let’s do this together!
I love you so much-
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